Yesterday I bought Penumbra Overtue, Black Plague and Requirem on Steam. After that I played some hours without problems.
Today I tried a mod which should change the game language to German. I tried that with Penumbra Overtue and the start sequences were in German. Everything seemed okay at this moment.
Without playing I changed the resolution of the game. The game told me to restart, so I restarted it.
After that all Penumbra games didnt work. If I start the Games, the loading screen comes up. After that there's an English text before the menu occurs. This English text is displayed in a wrong resolution, so it cant be read completly. After I press the left mouse button the menu occurs. Also the menu is in a strange resolution. The problem is that my mouse often disappears and I cant navigate in the menu.
This problem occurs in every penumbra game that I bought.
Also a new installation doesnt help.
Maybe someone can help me. Thanks for helping! Sorry for my bad English.
(08-10-2016, 07:48 PM)7heDubz Wrote: You run the game and in your proper folder (assuming your Windows it's your documents\penumbra\ folder) there is NO hpl.log?
Sorry, i was in the Steam folder. No i found it.
It seems it's just having trouble with the modification that you have added to the game.
The last thing i can say to do is do a complete reinstall of all the games, delete any files in your documents and steam folder pertaining to penumbra. and then reinstall. Other then this I'm sorry I don't know.
In the past I already tried to delete the game and reinstall it. This procedure didn't help.
But now I deleted the game AND all files in the document's file and in the steam file and reinstalled the game. This worked! Penumbra works fine now!
Thank you for helping me! And sorry for my bad English, too!