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fps problem

Not Solved fps problem

I recently bought the game on Steam. It is just running around 20 fps even with all setting off or low.
I have a nvidia gtx 1050ti 4gb, 8gb Ram and an i5 7300 HQ.
I have updated the grafik driver and rebooted my System.
I realy would like to play the game. But if this doesn't get solved I will refund it.

mfg Donmavinci

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09-05-2017, 04:04 PM
SteveR Offline
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Posts: 19
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Not Solved RE: fps problem

Just to let you know we''re looking in to things to see if there is indeed a FPS problem. I noticed new nVidia drivers recently - not sure yet, but its being looked in to!

Just to ask, I assume you've tried all the usual things like disabling other programs, turning off anti-virus etc?

- Steve
09-06-2017, 05:58 PM

Not Solved RE: fps problem
Hi Steve,

thanks for your reply. Yes I tried all the usual thinks, but the game just keeps running at 15-20fps.
Even if i lower the resolution it doesn`t change. It just seems to be stuck there. It never got above 20.
I tried all the settings, let steam check the files, turned of anti-virus, etc.
This is also the only game that runs that poorly on my system.

mfg Donmavinci
09-06-2017, 11:50 PM
Jump to the post that solved this thread.

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