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Announcement Amnesia "One Week" Event!
Romulator Offline
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Amnesia "One Week" Event!

Did somebody say, Mapping Event?

Hello there! 

Interested in showing off your Mapping/Scripting skills in a community run event? Well, over on our Frictional Games Fan-based Discord Server, we're running a collaborative event where users are required to submit a Custom Story map which they have created within a week's time. Everyone is welcome to participate, so long as you respect the rules below.


  1. Submission must be your own original work, being helped by other members is fine as long as you're not copying/plagiarising someone else's work. 

  2. Custom assets aren't generally allowed due to naming conflicts (Justine assets are okay, do not use MFP assets), but you can use modified .ent and .snt files. If you REALLY need to use a custom asset (as in, you came up with an amazing idea and it needs something custom rather than using imported elements just for the visuals), please let one of the organisers on the server, or reply to the post below.

  3. Your map must be sent in a custom story format. Create a custom story base, have only ONE map in it. Keep all of the modified assets in their respectful folders (example: sounds go into "sounds", entities go into "entities".). 

    Here's the way you should name your work:
    YourName_map (title of the .map file)
    YourName_asset (every modified/custom asset NEEDS to have a prefix with your name)

  4. The level has to feature the following elements:
    - An interesting puzzle idea
    - Decent storyline (your level, your story - you don't have to write anything complex but at least give the players some context on what they're doing)
    - Atmosphere. Please refrain from sending a barren map with NO atmosphere at all. Be it bright or dark atmosphere, it has to evoke certain feelings. 

  5. Your map might not end up on the release if we decide its quality doesn't meet our expectations. No shitty jokes and memes are allowed. Be serious about your work.
The competition will consist of two different stages: the first one is handing your work in, and the second stage is when the organisers merge/bugfix the maps.

Voting for community's favorite map will be held on https://www.strawpoll.me/, starting on the project's release date (yet to be decided). 

The deadline is Monday, November 19th 23:59 GMT+1 Time. 

Still interested? Excellent!

To get involved, there are two ways.
First, and one we recommend to get on-hands-on assistance from others interested in collaborating in realtime, is to visit us on our Unofficial Fan-based Frictional Games server. Once you have joined, feel free to ping an Event Organiser or a member of staff for a role which will allow you to talk in a channel dedicated to the event. When you're done, feel free to send your map to one of the organisers. 

If you do not wish to use Discord, you may also download the template attached to this post, and either link or upload your creation in this forum post by replying below! Should you have any questions, feel free to reply below or send a PM to either myself using the PM button under this post, Slanderous or TiManGames

Not sure where to get started? We have a ton of resources on the Frictional Games Wiki and here on the forums. The Engine Scripts Page below will give you a list of all the basic functionalities used in Amnesia, and there are an array of tutorials in the HPL2 Documentation in the sidebar.

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/sYsPHbg
Engine Scripts Page: https://wiki.frictionalgames.com/hpl2/am..._functions

Best of luck, and we look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Attached Files
.zip   A Week of Modding - Contestant Template.zip (Size: 3.89 KB / Downloads: 200)

Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
11-12-2018, 07:02 PM
GrAVit Offline
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RE: Amnesia "One Week" Event!

Sounds fun! Glad to see there's still some activity around here. lol
Will the contest entries be judged in any way and will there be a winner? If so, what are the judging criteria?

11-14-2018, 06:31 PM
Romulator Offline
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RE: Amnesia "One Week" Event!

(11-14-2018, 06:31 PM)GrAVit Wrote: Sounds fun! Glad to see there's still some activity around here. lol
Will the contest entries be judged in any way and will there be a winner? If so, what are the judging criteria?

From what I understand, there is a community fuelled voting system, as the voting for the "best" map can be done so on strawpoll once the maps are collected and made available as a joined project. That said, I don't believe there any criterion except the ones in the rules, and the three people running the contest will weed out those which violate the criteria.

Assuming the strawpoll is made for public vote, I'm guessing the actual judging is purely on user preference and enjoyment, as opposed to a specific topic. As in, even if I don't make an overly atmospheric map, a user may have enjoyed my map the most for its mechanics, and consider mine to be "best".

I've tried to make this event, at least here, sound less like a contest and rather a showcase. At the end of the day, while a contest does motivate those who strive for competitive, I for one want to encourage participation rather than determine who is the best.

Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
11-14-2018, 06:58 PM

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