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The dark descent PS4 normal difficulty save turned into hard mode with update 1.03

Not Solved The dark descent PS4 normal difficulty save turned into hard mode with update 1.03
Hi guys, I don't know if it's the right place to post that but nobody else knows what to do, so I'm trying here.

I was playing in and out The Dark Descent from the Amnesia Collection on PS4 since last October. I enjoyed the game even if I progressed slowly in it.

Last wednesday update 1.03 install itself on my PS4, it's the one who add hard mode to the game. Then today I try to play a little and see that my save was turned into hard mode difficulty without me having anything to say! Mainly making things harder but also disabling auto saving and it now cost 4 tinderboxes to save. 

Normally I wouldn't mind an extra challenge but on my last save I was on low oil and have only one tinderbox on me, a moment after meeting Agripa before opening the big door. And the big thing is I can't find a way to change the difficulty back to normal!

So now I have to look for things in the dark, dying from madness, and do the same parts and same puzzle over and over after I die. 

I didn't manage my ressources to play for that difficulty, it's almost impossible for me to progress. 
It's infuriating that my save got changed for no reason in the first place but the fact that I maybe won't be able to finish the game is the thing that makes me sad. 

So if anyone know a way to change the difficulty back to normal please tell me.
03-10-2019, 11:33 AM

Not Solved RE: The dark descent PS4 normal difficulty save turned into hard mode with update 1.03
Yep! Encountered this problem too. I thought it happened because I accidentally deleted this game and reinstalled it again. But I think this patch was the culprit.

I found no way other than to play it from the start again. I was in prison part 2 so I think I can go back there in an hour or so.

If I hadn't enjoyed SOMA so much, I would have quit and delete this game out of anger because of this bug. But I seem to love these games....
03-10-2019, 04:23 PM
kirakatve Offline
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Not Solved RE: The dark descent PS4 normal difficulty save turned into hard mode with update 1.03

We're very sorry that you were affected by this issue!

We had a mix-up with our porting partner and their QA hadn't noticed this bug. But they have been notified and should have fixed the issue, so we're hoping that a new patch will be up today or tomorrow, and all the normal saves will be reverted back.

Thank you for being patient, and hopefully you can finish the game once the patch is up!

Your friendly neighbour the community manager.
03-11-2019, 10:40 AM

Not Solved RE: The dark descent PS4 normal difficulty save turned into hard mode with update 1.03
Thank you for you awnser. I'm glad to hear that you're working on it so quickly. I can't wait to enjoy the rest of the game.
03-11-2019, 11:49 AM
Jump to the post that solved this thread.

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