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Stuff that changes when your sanity is low (or just to creep you out)
xiao Offline
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Stuff that changes when your sanity is low (or just to creep you out)

Spoilers, obviously.

Let's try and make a list of stuff that changes in the game either just to mess with your head, or when your sanity is lower.

Here's the stuff I remember:
  • Body in the Transept, in one of the hanging cages appears and disappears
  • Painting in the Transept of Alexander turns into the same painting with a horrible disfigured face
  • Painted bodies hang from the ceiling in the choir entrance with low sanity
  • The rocks in the wine cellar are first sealed shut, then later appear smashed open
  • Water monster apparition in the Sewers

What else can you guys remember?
09-18-2010, 12:12 AM
Bek Offline
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RE: Stuff that changes when your sanity is low (or just to creep you out)

Normal paintings change too, the people in them are replaced by skeleton figures. You have to look closely.
09-18-2010, 12:50 AM
Mekose Offline
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RE: Stuff that changes when your sanity is low (or just to creep you out)

Well, when in the cistern with low sanity. I was going to leave and then that fleshy stuff appeared and blocked my path so I had to go around. My friend played through the same area and that didn't happen for him.
09-26-2010, 07:02 AM
superluser Offline

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RE: Stuff that changes when your sanity is low (or just to creep you out)

(09-18-2010, 12:12 AM)xiao Wrote: Painted bodies hang from the ceiling in the choir entrance with low sanity

Really? I thought they just appeared after you went through the cutscene (pun seen, now intentional). Needless to say, it's really freaky when you go into the room from an empty corridor and you leave into a corridor full of bodies. Were they there the whole time and you just blocked them out? Was somebody busy while you were reading the note?

And then when you return, they're gone.
09-26-2010, 02:37 PM
Frontcannon Offline
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RE: Stuff that changes when your sanity is low (or just to creep you out)

(09-18-2010, 12:12 AM)xiao Wrote: Painted bodies hang from the ceiling in the choir entrance with low sanity

That freaked me the fuck out :O

Especially when they didn't appear in my 2nd playthrough :|

☺ Smoke weed everyday ☺
09-26-2010, 03:05 PM
Mafer Offline

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RE: Stuff that changes when your sanity is low (or just to creep you out)

The fountaing thingy with the baby face, the water becomes red,and there is a corpse there.

I get carried away, please, warm the blood inside my veins.

09-26-2010, 07:08 PM
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dbfuru Offline
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RE: Stuff that changes when your sanity is low (or just to creep you out)

Huh, I didn't notice this, just being immersed in the gameplay and all. Interesting, I'll have to look out for these changes when I play through for the commentary.
09-29-2010, 11:21 AM
17thKnight Offline
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RE: Stuff that changes when your sanity is low (or just to creep you out)

I noticed things changing, and it freaked me out, but I had no idea that sanity determined a lot of this, that's absolutely brilliant.
09-29-2010, 07:40 PM
Nevyn Offline
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RE: Stuff that changes when your sanity is low (or just to creep you out)

Lets not forget the insects!

Bugs crawling on the screen and I believe in the later parts of the game you find giant spiders on the walls with low sanity.
09-30-2010, 09:03 PM

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