Here is a list of stuff I'd really like to know. If anyone have some time and a few answers it would be much appreciated;
1) In 3d Studio Max (2010) units, how tall is the character (camera) approx?
2) I needed to rotate a wall I created in 3ds. How does the XYZ coords translate from 3ds to ModelEditor? Shouldn't they be the same?
2) What is the conversion rate of 3d Studio Max units and LevelEditor units? The wall was 4x0,2x2 (width/breadth/height) and nowhere did it fit within the units of the LevelEditor.
4) Once the wall was converted to an .ent and I played around with it in the Level Editor the pivot was off. Is it possible to adjust pivot placement?
5) I made a C# app that would (among other things) start the misc. exe files in the amnesia folder (using Process.Start("path")

. When I tried launching the LevelEditor I got some weird errors about not finding lots of folders. It might not exactly be a question for you devs but would you have any idea why?