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Final help with difficult script
LoneWolf Offline
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Final help with difficult script

This is what i need to do.

I have 4 chemical jars, i need them to be able to be mixed into a pot. I then need to be able to place the pot onto the ground near a barricade. Then just like the game i need it to blow up when hit by a rock. I then need the barricade to disappear so that my other barricade(which the broken version) will only be visible.

Any idea how to do this, or atleast start as this is my last script thread.
10-13-2010, 07:43 PM
DamnNoHtml Offline
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RE: Final help with difficult script

You know you can just open that particular map's .hps file and just look at the exact code.

Creator of Wake, Through the Portal, Insomnia, and Cycles What to do with HPL3....
10-13-2010, 08:33 PM
Kyle Offline
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RE: Final help with difficult script

Lol... just, lol... Smile

Sometimes it is not always the best thing to do if you copy the script from the game. It wouldn't be original and also wouldn't be such a cool thing to do.

10-13-2010, 09:30 PM
Pandemoneus Offline
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RE: Final help with difficult script

Problem is that we have 2 people here who just want others to create them the scripts instead of learning on their own.

10-13-2010, 09:40 PM
HakePT Offline
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RE: Final help with difficult script

(10-13-2010, 09:40 PM)Pandemoneus Wrote: Problem is that we have 2 people here who just want others to create them the scripts instead of learning on their own.


Still create inactive items and make them active when your event happens.
That should work for the barricade. Activate particles, sound and a few random rocks flying and the change will be "easy".
10-13-2010, 10:24 PM
LoneWolf Offline
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RE: Final help with difficult script

(10-13-2010, 09:40 PM)Pandemoneus Wrote: Problem is that we have 2 people here who just want others to create them the scripts instead of learning on their own.

Why don't you stop spamming on my threads?

Did you know that you can learn from others? I guess you dont.
10-13-2010, 10:25 PM
ide Offline
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RE: Final help with difficult script

But if you get complete code handed out to you it won't teach you anything.

Afaik all one needs are these:
- List of script functions http://www.hpl2.frictionalgames.com/amne..._functions
- Knowledge of basic scripting (basic meaning knowing that: func(variables for function to use){what function does} and int=number, string=word in "", bool=true or false )
- Two brain cells to rub together
10-13-2010, 11:07 PM
LoneWolf Offline
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RE: Final help with difficult script

Couldnt find anything about mixing chemicals into a pot/container on the wiki. i looked into the game hps. and found alot of scripting to do with the mixing of chemicals buts its so confusing and its over 200 lines long... look at it.

/*Use the final drill on the epoxy containers to drill a hole
void UseDrillOnEpoxy(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
    if(GetLocalVarInt("GotEpoxy") == 1) return;
    if(GetLocalVarInt(asEntity) != 0){
        SetMessage("Ch01Level12", "AlreadyDrilled", 0);
    SetEntityActive(asEntity+"_area_2", true);
    AddUseItemCallback("usecontainer1" + asEntity, "empty_container", asEntity + "_area_2", "UseEmptyContainerOnEpoxy", false);
    AddUseItemCallback("usehalfcontainer1" + asEntity, "epoxy_container01_2", asEntity + "_area_2", "UseHalfContainerOnEpoxy", false);
    AddUseItemCallback("usehalfcontainer2" + asEntity, "epoxy_container02_2", asEntity + "_area_2", "UseHalfContainerOnEpoxy", false);
    SetEntityActive(asEntity+"_drill", true);
    if(asEntity == "epoxy_container02")
        RotatePropToSpeed(asEntity+"_drill", 8.0f, 8.0f, 1.0, 0, 0, true, asEntity+"_drill_area");
        RotatePropToSpeed(asEntity+"_drill", 8.0f, 8.0f, 0, 0, 1.0f, true, asEntity+"_drill_area");
    StartPlayerLookAt(asEntity+"_area_1", 2, 2, "");
    if(StringContains(asEntity, "01")) SetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect", "drill01");
    else if(StringContains(asEntity, "02")) SetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect", "drill02");
    CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("ps_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), "ps_dust_drilling.ps", asEntity+"_area_1", false);
    PlaySoundAtEntity("s_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), "12_drill", asEntity+"_area_1", 1, false);
    SetLocalVarInt(asEntity, 1);

    AddTimer("stoplook", 1.5f, "TimerDrill");
    AddTimer(asEntity, 2, "TimerDrill");
    AddTimer(asEntity+"_drill", 1.5f, "TimerDrill");
    AddDebugMessage("DRILLING A HOLE", false);
void TimerDrill(string &in asTimer)
    if(asTimer == "stoplook"){
    else if(StringContains(asTimer, "_drill")){
        if(asTimer == "epoxy_container02_drill")
            RotatePropToSpeed(asTimer, 4.0f, 4.0f, 1.0f, 0, 0, false, asTimer+"_area");
            RotatePropToSpeed(asTimer, 4.0f, 4.0f, 0, 0, 1.0f, false, asTimer+"_area");
        StopSound("s_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), 1.0f);
    SetPropActiveAndFade(asTimer+"_drill", false, 0.5f);
    CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("ps2_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), "ps_liquid_epoxy.ps", asTimer+"_area_1", true);
    CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("ps3_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), "ps_liquid_epoxy_splatt.ps", asTimer+"_area_2", true);

    PlaySoundAtEntity("s2_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), "12_epoxy_flow", asTimer+"_area_1", 0, true);
void UseDrillPartOnEpoxy(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
    SetMessage("Ch01Level12", "UsingDrillPart", 0);

/*Use the chemical container on epoxy containers to fill it will liquid
void UseEmptyContainerOnEpoxy(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
    if(GetLocalVarInt("GotEpoxy") == 1) return;
    /*Container has been drilled so OK to place container
    string sEntity = StringSub(asEntity, 0, 17);
    AddDebugMessage(sEntity, false);
    if(GetLocalVarInt(sEntity) == 1){
            SetMessage("Ch01Level12", "NotDoneDrilling", 0);
        SetEntityActive(sEntity+"_area_2", false);

        SetEntityActive(sEntity+"_1", true);
        StartPlayerLookAt(sEntity+"_area_2", 2, 2, "");
        StopSound("s2_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), 2.0f);
        PlaySoundAtEntity("s3_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), "12_epoxy_fill", sEntity+"_area_1", 1.0, false);
        PlaySoundAtEntity("s3p_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), "puzzle_place_jar", sEntity+"_area_2", 0.1f, false);
        AddTimer(sEntity, 2, "TimerHalfFill");
        SetLocalVarInt(sEntity, 2);
        SetLocalVarInt("BottleNr", 1);
    else if(GetLocalVarInt(sEntity) == 0){
        SetMessage("Ch01Level12", "ContainerNoUse", 0);    //Message that no use placing container as can't get to the content.
/*Switch the container to half filled item containter
void TimerHalfFill(string &in asTimer)
    SetEntityActive(asTimer+"_"+GetLocalVarInt("BottleNr"), false);
    SetLocalVarInt("BottleNr", 2);
    SetEntityActive(asTimer+"_"+GetLocalVarInt("BottleNr"), true);

    CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("ps4_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), "ps_liquid_epoxy_drip.ps", asTimer+"_area_1", true);
    PlaySoundAtEntity("s4_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), "12_epoxy_drip", asTimer+"_area_1", 1, true);

/*If player has filled the container from one epoxy and does not use it on the same epoxy, fill it
void UseHalfContainerOnEpoxy(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
    if(GetLocalVarInt("GotEpoxy") == 1) return;
    string sEntity = StringSub(asEntity, 0, 17);
    /*Only place container if it is not the same epoxy as already used
    if((asItem == "epoxy_container01_2" or asItem == "epoxy_container02_2") && GetLocalVarInt(asEntity) != 2){
        if(GetLocalVarInt(sEntity) == 1){
            SetMessage("Ch01Level12", "NotDoneDrilling", 0);
            SetEntityActive(sEntity+"_area_2", false);

            SetEntityActive(sEntity+"_3", true);
            StartPlayerLookAt(sEntity+"_area_2", 2, 2, "");
            StopSound("s2_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), 2.0f);
            PlaySoundAtEntity("s3_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), "12_epoxy_fill", sEntity+"_area_1", 1.0, false);
            PlaySoundAtEntity("s3p_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), "puzzle_place_jar", sEntity+"_area_2", 0.2f, false);
            AddTimer(sEntity, 2, "TimerFullFill");
            SetLocalVarInt("BottleNr", 3);
            SetLocalVarInt("GotEpoxy", 1);

        } else SetMessage("Ch01Level12", "NoHole", 0);    
        SetMessage("Ch01Level12", "ContainerAlreadyUsed", 0);
/*Switch the half-full container to a completely filled item container
void TimerFullFill(string &in asTimer)
    SetEntityActive(asTimer+"_"+GetLocalVarInt("BottleNr"), false);
    SetLocalVarInt("BottleNr", 4);
    SetEntityActive(asTimer+"_"+GetLocalVarInt("BottleNr"), true);
    CreateParticleSystemAtEntity("ps4_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), "ps_liquid_epoxy_drip.ps", asTimer+"_area_1", true);
    PlaySoundAtEntity("s4_"+GetLocalVarString("WhatEpoxyEffect"), "12_epoxy_drip", asTimer+"_area_1", 1, true);

/*Give Sanity Push
void PickEpoxy(string &in asEntity, string &in asType)
    PlayMusic("12_puzzle_epoxy.ogg", false, 1.0f, 0.0f, 10, true);
    AddTimer("mmmmonsterkill", 2.0f, "TimerMmMonster");
void TimerMmMonster(string &in asTimer)
    StartScreenShake(0.02f, 0.25f, 0.75f, 1.5f);
    PlaySoundAtEntity("warning", "12_warn.snt", "ScriptArea_2", 0.0f, false);
    AddTimer("scare", 1.0f, "TimerPlayerReactions");
    AddTimer("breath", 3.0f, "TimerPlayerReactions");
    AddTimer("breathl", 5.0f, "TimerPlayerReactions");

/*Place the final epoxy at the cave in
void UseEpoxyOnCavein(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
    GiveHint("run!", "Ch01Level12", "HintRunAway", 0);
    StartPlayerLookAt("AreaLookAt_1", 2, 2, "");

    AddTimer("crouch", 0.5f, "TimerStopLookCaveIn");
    AddTimer("place", 1.0f, "TimerStopLookCaveIn");
    AddTimer("stoplook", 1.2f, "TimerStopLookCaveIn");
void TimerStopLookCaveIn(string &in asTimer)
    if(asTimer == "crouch"){
        MovePlayerHeadPos(0.0f, -0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f);
        PlaySoundAtEntity("crouchs", "player_climb", "Player", 0.5f, false);
    else if(asTimer == "place"){
        SetEntityActive("explosive_container", true);
        PlaySoundAtEntity("placejar", "puzzle_place_jar", "explosive_container", 0, false);
    else if(asTimer == "stoplook"){
        PlaySoundAtEntity("crouchs", "player_crouch", "Player", 0.0f, false);
        MovePlayerHeadPos(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.5f, 0.05f);

void InteractEpoxyByCave(string &in asEntity)
    SetMessage("Ch01Level12", "TouchEpoxy", 0);

void DaBigBoom(string &in asEntity, string &in asType)
    AddTimer("sound", 1, "TimerBigBoomEvent");
    AddTimer("1", 4, "TimerBigBoomEvent");
    FadeLightTo("DangerLight", 1, 0, 0, 1, 4, 4);
/*After a second from throwing something at the container it explodes
void TimerBigBoomEvent(string &in asTimer)
    if(asTimer == "sound"){
        PlaySoundAtEntity("epoxyignite", "12_epoxy_blow", "cave_in_1", 0, false);
        StartScreenShake(0.01, 0, 0, 2.9f);
    SetEntityActive("explosive_container", false);
    SetPropHealth("cave_in_1", 0);
    StartScreenShake(0.08, 2.5f, 0, 1.0f);
    FadeImageTrailTo(0.5, 1);
    FadeLightTo("BoomLight", 1, 1, 1, 1, 8, 0.1f);
    FadeLightTo("DangerLight", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5f);
        case 0:
            //GivePlayerDamage(25, "BloodSplat", true, false);
            //AddDebugMessage("Player got damage: -25", false);
        case 1:
            GivePlayerDamage(50, "BloodSplat", true, false);
            AddDebugMessage("Player got damage: -50", false);
        case 2:
            GivePlayerDamage(200, "BloodSplat", true, false);
            AddDebugMessage("Player got damage: -200", false);
    PlayMusic("12_puzzle_cavein.ogg", false, 1, 0.0f, 10, true);
    AddTimer("cquest", 2, "TimerCompleteQuest");
    AddTimer("light", 0.75f, "TimerCompleteQuest");

void TimerCompleteQuest(string &in asTimer)
    if(asTimer == "light"){
        FadeLightTo("BoomLight", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.25f);
    CompleteQuest("12Cavein", "12Cavein");
    FadeImageTrailTo(0.0, 1);

/*Check what area the player is in during the explosion to deal a certain amount of damage
void CollideBoomArea(string &in asParent, string &in asChild, int alState)
    if(asChild == "AreaBoomDeath") SetLocalVarInt("BoomPlayer", 2);
    else if(asChild == "AreaBoomEscape") SetLocalVarInt("BoomPlayer", 0);
    else SetLocalVarInt("BoomPlayer", 1);
    AddDebugMessage("Player to get damage: "+GetLocalVarInt("BoomPlayer"), false);
10-14-2010, 12:28 AM
Chilton Offline

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RE: Final help with difficult script

Scripts like this are not easy - But possible.
Unfortunately, its not possible for someone to give you a script because they would literally need to be controlling your screen just to know what theyre doing.

10-14-2010, 02:57 AM
DamnNoHtml Offline
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RE: Final help with difficult script

(10-13-2010, 07:43 PM)LoneWolf Wrote: This is what i need to do.

I have 4 chemical jars, i need them to be able to be mixed into a pot. I then need to be able to place the pot onto the ground near a barricade. Then just like the game i need it to blow up when hit by a rock. I then need the barricade to disappear so that my other barricade(which the broken version) will only be visible.

Any idea how to do this, or atleast start as this is my last script thread.

What you are asking isn't really that hard to comprehend, it is just putting it into code.

Basically, you just have 4 AddCombineItemCallbacks for each of the jars. Then, you have a use item callback on the ground where you want the finished pot to go. Then, you add an AddEntityCollideCallback between a rock and the entity pot you just made. The callback for that function would probably shake the screen, fade out, set the barricade to inactive, and set the broken version to active.

Creator of Wake, Through the Portal, Insomnia, and Cycles What to do with HPL3....
10-14-2010, 08:33 AM

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