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Amnesia tips, tricks, and strategies
m1dy Offline
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Amnesia tips, tricks, and strategies

This thread is for the discussion of various things a player can do in the world of Amnesia to give themselves an advantage. From tinderbox and oil conservation to monster avoidance tricks and beyond, post them all here.

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Save your tinderboxes for lighting areas you'll be standing in for extended periods of time or visiting more than once. Example: Light a candle closest to the puzzle you're working on.

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Don't keep your lamp out unless you're looking for something. If you're trying to keep your sanity high while traversing a dark path simply tap the lamp key (default: F) constantly until you find a constant source of light. This conserves tons of oil.

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Close doors after entering them. It prevents monsters from spotting you while you're working on a puzzle and at the same time if a monster does happen to see you it'll give you plenty of time to hide while he breaks the door down.

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Bait a monster into hitting you and then back off so he misses. During his recovery animation you should grab a box and hit him with it. This will stun him long enough for you to make enough distance to lose his line of sight and eventually find a good place to hide.
(This post was last modified: 12-20-2010, 05:12 AM by m1dy.)
12-20-2010, 05:11 AM
Tenacious Offline

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RE: Amnesia tips, tricks, and strategies

Here are some of my tricks:

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Keep tabs of safe areas and hiding spots. You don't want to find yourself in the open when a monster comes prowling around.

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If a monster is facing your way, try throwing an object in the opposite direction.

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If a monster is nearby, face the opposite direction (preferably a wall) and don't move. Your chances of being spotted are much smaller than staring at it.

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If your stuck, check your mementos and note entries. You might find what your looking for!

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Use the 'Q' and 'E' keys to check your corners. It's better than stepping out in the open and risk getting spotted.

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If you find yourself trudging along in dark places (eg. Storage) due to fright, try running into the darkness, you'll find that your tension eases a bit.
12-20-2010, 07:11 AM
Kein Offline
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RE: Amnesia tips, tricks, and strategies

I thought all of those are obvious.

"Avoid Capture"
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12-20-2010, 08:21 AM
m1dy Offline
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RE: Amnesia tips, tricks, and strategies

Post something useful or don't post at all.
12-20-2010, 09:13 AM
Tanshaydar Offline
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RE: Amnesia tips, tricks, and strategies

My only recommendation is that if you hear a strange sound, run without thinking and never look back, never, ever.

12-20-2010, 10:03 AM
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eabaggot Offline
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RE: Amnesia tips, tricks, and strategies

Two things I am beginning to do:

1) When entering a new region, go into it on a blind run, explore everything, burn all your fuel, light light up everything, and just learn the layout and where everything is, etc. Then, reload it from the entry point and then take a more deliberate and circumspect approach to getting what you need.

2) When confronting an enemy, just go ahead and let yourself get killed a few times, to take the "edge" off, heh. See how it behaves. Then, as above, reload the level and use the knowledge in whatever way you can.

12-21-2010, 04:59 AM
hollowleviathan Offline
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RE: Amnesia tips, tricks, and strategies

I give a huge enthusiastic :\ to deliberately breaking the game design by abusing save/load.

Tip: staying in the light does slowly restore your sanity. If you're on the edge, why not sit down and have a breather huddled under a candle?
12-21-2010, 05:16 AM
eabaggot Offline
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RE: Amnesia tips, tricks, and strategies

(12-21-2010, 05:16 AM)hollowleviathan Wrote: I give a huge enthusiastic :\ to deliberately breaking the game design by abusing save/load.

Tip: staying in the light does slowly restore your sanity. If you're on the edge, why not sit down and have a breather huddled under a candle?

You are probably right, but it is SO intense ... I can't play more than about 15 minutes at a stretch, so I suppose I am already violating the spirit of the experience ...
12-21-2010, 05:55 PM
Spooder Wekd Offline
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RE: Amnesia tips, tricks, and strategies

(12-21-2010, 04:59 AM)eabaggot Wrote: Two things I am beginning to do:

1) When entering a new region, go into it on a blind run, explore everything, burn all your fuel, light light up everything, and just learn the layout and where everything is, etc. Then, reload it from the entry point and then take a more deliberate and circumspect approach to getting what you need.

2) When confronting an enemy, just go ahead and let yourself get killed a few times, to take the "edge" off, heh. See how it behaves. Then, as above, reload the level and use the knowledge in whatever way you can.


So remove the exploring, cause you just run through to figure out the layout as fast as possible. And remove the scaryness of monsters by suiciding until u dont care....seems horrible! Tongue
(12-21-2010, 05:55 PM)eabaggot Wrote:
(12-21-2010, 05:16 AM)hollowleviathan Wrote: I give a huge enthusiastic :\ to deliberately breaking the game design by abusing save/load.

Tip: staying in the light does slowly restore your sanity. If you're on the edge, why not sit down and have a breather huddled under a candle?

You are probably right, but it is SO intense ... I can't play more than about 15 minutes at a stretch, so I suppose I am already violating the spirit of the experience ...

If you can't play the game properly for a long time, try to just play it for a little while at a time, better to play it right, for short spurts, than break the game and remove half the fun. You could try slowly increasing the time you play...
(This post was last modified: 12-22-2010, 11:41 PM by Spooder Wekd.)
12-22-2010, 11:39 PM
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