...to buy some games with my son. While we were there, I started chatting up the store clerk and we started to talk about out anticipation of Dead Space 2 (the first one was quite excellent)...anyhow, we were talking about it when the clerk said, "You know, you should really check out AMNESIA!" Needless to say, we were both delighted when he discovered that i was an ardent fan of the game, and we both started gushing about the game's mechanics and raw, turn-your-guts-to-ice gameplay. The clerk's coworker was there and quickly joined in on the conversation - turned out he had been giving the clerk crap about the game, saying it was probably lame and that he'd never heard of it. With my added testimony to the game's pure awesomeness, I convinced the coworker to buy the game as soon as he got home. And he was excited! Anyhow, I just thought it was fun to run into someone on the streets who also had stumbled into this indie gem the same way I had!
Thats awesome! I can't even convince people to play the demo...let alone buy it! Then again, most of the people I know are pussies...thats what I get for being a programmer. Not a field with many badasses!
I can't even convince my best friend to try this game. Every time I tell him about it he tells me it doesn't look that scary. Meanwhile, this is the guy who is too scared to play Doom 3 or Dead Space or Resident Evil basically every mainstream survival horror game.
(12-24-2010, 07:24 AM)Xanatos Wrote: Those aren't survival horror games.
You can just show them my review if you want, I managed to convince a few people to get Amnesia.
The key word was mainstream cause to everyone I talk to they apparently are survival horrors. I do agree with you though that they're not save the original Resident Evils pre-4. To say they aren't kind of doesn't do the fact that they effectively created the genre justice.