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Where are the tools!?!?
hackvcs Offline
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RE: Where are the tools!?!?

sorry to ask but could you updated us on the mac/linux tools or have they been cancled
10-03-2010, 01:00 AM
Karnio Offline
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RE: Where are the tools!?!?

Again sorry for spamming if I say so myself but I've been waiting for fages man, where are the tools for mac/linux? I'd at least like to know if it's been cancelled/not started yet/still being done.
10-10-2010, 02:11 PM
fenixkane Offline
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RE: Where are the tools!?!?

Any updates on the Linux and or Mac versions of the development tools?
10-12-2010, 08:05 PM
hackvcs Offline
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RE: Where are the tools!?!?

Any updates on the Linux and or Mac versions of the development tools?
10-14-2010, 03:20 PM
Glenn Offline
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RE: Where are the tools!?!?

Could you give us an update on the Linux and Mac tools. Are you still porting them? Yes/No?

10-22-2010, 10:53 AM
grenadecx Offline
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RE: Where are the tools!?!?

First of, Frictional, I admire you work, Amnesia was a blast.

On another note, this is really shitty.
An update would be nice, as people previous to me have asked,

Is a Linux/Mac port still ongoing? What's the hold up?

I wanted to start develop, make a mod, but instead, I will just leave it.
Leaving the Mac/Linux users in the dark is what we are used to afterall, reminds me about UT3.

All other Windows developers, have a blast.
10-26-2010, 11:05 PM
gbutler69 Offline
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RE: Where are the tools!?!?

(09-10-2010, 07:16 AM)jens Wrote: UPDATE:
Tools are here: http://wiki.frictionalgames.com/hpl2/

Hello been looking into the tools and Wiki. Looks pretty well documented as a start.

I'm an experienced software developer, but, I've never done any sort of game or 3-D graphic development. Something I've always wanted to tinker with though.

I purchased your Penumbra collection when it first became available for Linux and bought the Amnesia game in pre-release.

I REALLY enjoy your games and am impressed by your creativity and attention to detail. I look forward to your future games (and would definitely be willing to pay a little more. I would easily pay $30.00 or $40.00 for pre-release of your next game if it is going to be anything like the quality and style of your previous games).

I'm a VERY casual gamer. I just don't have time to spend days and days mastering the mechanics of a game. I find that your style of game is a joy and very entertaining without requiring me to devote my life to it. They truly are works of art in their own right.

Anyway, that being said, I'd like to try my hand and making a mini-game using your engine and tools. One thing I can see that could probably use some more documentation is things like the "matericals.cfg" file. I would be nice to have a full documentation of the options and what they do. One can somewhat infer from the names of tags and attributes, but, I can see a lot of room for interpretation.

As an aside, have you thought about allowing people who develop games using your engine and tools (and possibly some assets) to be able to sell their creations on your store with some sort of profit sharing arrangement?
01-01-2011, 07:18 PM
DIGI Byte Offline
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RE: Where are the tools!?!?

(01-01-2011, 07:18 PM)gbutler69 Wrote: As an aside, have you thought about allowing people who develop games using your engine and tools (and possibly some assets) to be able to sell their creations on your store with some sort of profit sharing arrangement?

for release of the engine to use, the HLP1 engine source is on the site
but I doubt HLP2 will be open any time soon as amnesia is their biggest seller

As for letting other people using amnesia's assets separately in other projects, I highly doubt it, even in a sharing arrangement, the only profit sharing i can see happening is between resellers like Steam and other digital stores that split the profit
01-01-2011, 11:08 PM
NULL Offline
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RE: Where are the tools!?!?

Is there any thorough reference for the script used in Amnesia?
I have taken a look at this: http://wiki.frictionalgames.com/hpl2/amn..._functions
but I would like to know more about what the functions do and which objects they apply to.
01-04-2011, 06:22 PM
gbutler69 Offline
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RE: Where are the tools!?!?

(01-04-2011, 06:22 PM)NULL Wrote: Is there any thorough reference for the script used in Amnesia?
I have taken a look at this: http://wiki.frictionalgames.com/hpl2/amn..._functions
but I would like to know more about what the functions do and which objects they apply to.

I think the idea is that us "Modders" will experiment with the various functions (and look them up in the actual Game script and see how they're used) and document them in the Wiki for one another. In other words, when you figure out a function and what it does and how to use it, update the Wiki. If everyone of us "Modders" starts doing this, things'll be ship-shape in no time. Wink
01-04-2011, 06:32 PM

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