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Amnesia VS Penumbra
Penumbra Offline
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RE: Amnesia VS Penumbra

I don't consider Requiem as a part of the actual story. I think of it more as a 'what could of happened expansion. I feel like it was made just to satisfy everyone on the forums who kept asking, "what happened?". A good game leaves the player wanting more or asking questions, by adding Requiem I think they took that away. Plus the voice acting wasn't the same to me. I felt like the whole expansion was forced.

Anyways, I guess if you look at it in a different point of view it was kinda fun to solve the puzzles and play with the physics some. I just wish it didn't carry the Penumbra title.
01-02-2011, 06:28 PM
Spooder Wekd Offline
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RE: Amnesia VS Penumbra

(01-02-2011, 05:52 PM)AMV Ph34r Wrote:
(01-02-2011, 05:35 PM)Penumbra Wrote: I'd suggest you just play them in order of release. (but skip Requiem) Things will get scarier as your play.
Is Requiem really not that great? I've just started it last night, and I'm still in the room you wake up in (only played for 5 min or so). I'll probably play it anyway, but it seems people don't like it as much.

It's all puzzles with little story or spooks, I wasn't crazy about it, but it was okay.
01-02-2011, 06:30 PM
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Alpha Offline
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RE: Amnesia VS Penumbra

(01-02-2011, 12:10 PM)Someone else Wrote: My preference is Amnesia.
Although Penumbra had the scariest moments, they kind of went like "dah dah dah DUFF dah dah DUFF dah DUFF dah dah DUFF" etc.
While as Amnesia was more "DUFF DUFF DUFF DUFF dah DUFF" etc.
It just felt more scary overall, whereas Penumbra had some really scary moments (near the end of Black Plague I actually screamed out loud several times).

Both are great games though.

I recommend you to keep gamma at "1", and change your screen's "contrast" and "brightness" settings.
Set contrast to max and adjust gamma so it fits with DIGI Byte's post. ("basically you should see the right box as visable and the left box barely visible")
If you just can't make it fit perfectly then try to adjust the games gamma.

I dont get the part when you say screen's contrast and brightness settings. where can i change that? Actually in the game (amnesia the dark descent)'s option menu?
01-02-2011, 07:10 PM
Sexbad Offline
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RE: Amnesia VS Penumbra

(01-02-2011, 07:10 PM)Alpha Wrote:
(01-02-2011, 12:10 PM)Someone else Wrote: My preference is Amnesia.
Although Penumbra had the scariest moments, they kind of went like "dah dah dah DUFF dah dah DUFF dah DUFF dah dah DUFF" etc.
While as Amnesia was more "DUFF DUFF DUFF DUFF dah DUFF" etc.
It just felt more scary overall, whereas Penumbra had some really scary moments (near the end of Black Plague I actually screamed out loud several times).

Both are great games though.

I recommend you to keep gamma at "1", and change your screen's "contrast" and "brightness" settings.
Set contrast to max and adjust gamma so it fits with DIGI Byte's post. ("basically you should see the right box as visable and the left box barely visible")
If you just can't make it fit perfectly then try to adjust the games gamma.

I dont get the part when you say screen's contrast and brightness settings. where can i change that? Actually in the game (amnesia the dark descent)'s option menu?

No, on your monitor's controls.

[Image: jao3z.jpg]
01-02-2011, 07:36 PM
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AMV Ph34r Offline
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RE: Amnesia VS Penumbra

(01-02-2011, 06:28 PM)Penumbra Wrote: I don't consider Requiem as a part of the actual story. I think of it more as a 'what could of happened expansion. I feel like it was made just to satisfy everyone on the forums who kept asking, "what happened?". A good game leaves the player wanting more or asking questions, by adding Requiem I think they took that away. Plus the voice acting wasn't the same to me. I felt like the whole expansion was forced.

Anyways, I guess if you look at it in a different point of view it was kinda fun to solve the puzzles and play with the physics some. I just wish it didn't carry the Penumbra title.
Ah, okay. Yeah, I can see how that would ruin it in a way. I'll probably play though it anyway, since I do own it.
01-02-2011, 08:05 PM
Alpha Offline
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RE: Amnesia VS Penumbra

(01-02-2011, 07:36 PM)Lee Wrote:
(01-02-2011, 07:10 PM)Alpha Wrote:
(01-02-2011, 12:10 PM)Someone else Wrote: My preference is Amnesia.
Although Penumbra had the scariest moments, they kind of went like "dah dah dah DUFF dah dah DUFF dah DUFF dah dah DUFF" etc.
While as Amnesia was more "DUFF DUFF DUFF DUFF dah DUFF" etc.
It just felt more scary overall, whereas Penumbra had some really scary moments (near the end of Black Plague I actually screamed out loud several times).

Both are great games though.

I recommend you to keep gamma at "1", and change your screen's "contrast" and "brightness" settings.
Set contrast to max and adjust gamma so it fits with DIGI Byte's post. ("basically you should see the right box as visable and the left box barely visible")
If you just can't make it fit perfectly then try to adjust the games gamma.

I dont get the part when you say screen's contrast and brightness settings. where can i change that? Actually in the game (amnesia the dark descent)'s option menu?

No, on your monitor's controls.

how? im not good with computers >_< sorry
01-02-2011, 08:41 PM
Som1Lse Offline

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RE: Amnesia VS Penumbra

(01-02-2011, 08:41 PM)Alpha Wrote: how? im not good with computers >_< sorry
Look at your screen there should be some buttons on it (usually below the display).
Try clicking them to find out what they do.
If you can't figure out what to do, or your screen doesn't have such buttons (which is very unlikely), then just change the gamma to fit and it should be fine anyway.

Requiem actually does contain some mysteries.
Spoiler below!

If you get the supposedly good ending, and wake up on the boat you might notice that it is the boat from Black Plague's dream sequence.
Not the "tutorial" level from Overture.
Why is that, and is it really which.
It puts Red's words to a whole other level. (Better to have a story and end it, that to never realise it has begun.)

01-02-2011, 08:57 PM
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hollowleviathan Offline
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RE: Amnesia VS Penumbra

(01-02-2011, 01:33 PM)Oscar House Wrote: No need to compare them, however, as they're both excellent games.

(01-02-2011, 05:57 PM)Scraper Wrote: I think Requiem was great.
01-02-2011, 09:28 PM
Crabski Offline

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RE: Amnesia VS Penumbra

Amnesia was an excellent game. It is one of the ~100 I would say are truly excellent games.

Penumbra (Black Plague in particular) is one of the best games I've ever played in my entire life, period. That's the difference.
(This post was last modified: 01-02-2011, 09:53 PM by Crabski.)
01-02-2011, 09:52 PM
Shev Offline

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RE: Amnesia VS Penumbra

(01-02-2011, 03:54 AM)DIGI Byte Wrote: set your gamma to slightly less then the default

as for penumbra and amnesia, penumbra is kinda rubbish, I found it as more of a long boring chore to play, it has its moments but well... I just got bored and sick of it

the best you can get out of penumbra is watching a let's play of it

Amnesia is great
(12-31-2010, 11:45 AM)DIGI Byte Wrote: honestly I havent even finished the game Big Grin
I didnt start playing it until a few days ago while i was on holiday

but I do know all about it from begining to end, and I bought it mostly for modding purposes

Just found that funny.

Anyways the penumbra series is like 3 different games.

The first ones more of a combat horror, although it has a few of its moments. Theres time when its impossible to fight at all (like against worms, or a bunch of spiders).

Penumbra Black Plague is when frictional ditches combat all together, its pretty much like amnesia except without that sanity crap, and the enemys occasionally have flashlights. Also the game likes to fuck with your head.

The third ones just puzzles. Seriously, thats all it is. Its basically portal without the portal gun.

Amnesia is kinda like black plague. Its got puzzles, and enemys you can't fight. It also messes with you sometimes.

Honestly Amnesia and Black Plague are pretty much equal in my opinion, amnesia vs. the penumbra series, I'd say amnesia is better.

i spam meme 4 raeg
01-02-2011, 11:30 PM

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