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question to the devs : the blue lantern...
Deu sex Offline

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question to the devs : the blue lantern...

I mean when you can see in the dark, simulating the HDR's eye adaptation effect, its a great idea, but you can see really too much... (in my point of view)

is there a way to turn it off, or to reduce the effect ?

I'm sorry I am so lazy to search it ! please just tell me in what folder it is, I'll try to manage to tweak it, like I did with the parallax effect 3 month ago ! XD

and I take the opportunity to congratulate Mikko Tarmia for the work he did on the audio parts, I bought a good sound card this chrismas to do sound recording (I'm a pianist, but not professionally ^^) and when I heard (in a pure hazard) amnesia playing on it, the sound was just incedible, and I was really freaked out (even if I finished the game 4 times).

so i'm also glad to see you have the success you deserve.

PS : sorry for my bad english --> frenchie ^^
01-10-2011, 03:08 AM
DIGI Byte Offline
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RE: question to the devs : the blue lantern...

its in the .cfg files, but you should adjust your games gamma first so its about 0.7 too about 0.9

your most likely playing to bright
01-10-2011, 05:40 AM
Deu sex Offline

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RE: question to the devs : the blue lantern...

(01-10-2011, 05:40 AM)DIGI Byte Wrote: its in the .cfg files, but you should adjust your games gamma first so its about 0.7 too about 0.9

your most likely playing to bright

no im playing at gamma 1.0 and its dark, but its only the eye adaptation effect that I found too bright !
01-10-2011, 03:02 PM
Tottel Offline
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RE: question to the devs : the blue lantern...

That's true. I completely turned it off in a map that I'm making, so yes.. You can do it. But it will require users to download extra config files or make it a "total" conversion.
01-10-2011, 04:51 PM
DIGI Byte Offline
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RE: question to the devs : the blue lantern...

(01-10-2011, 04:51 PM)Tottel Wrote: That's true. I completely turned it off in a map that I'm making, so yes.. You can do it. But it will require users to download extra config files or make it a "total" conversion.

he wants to set it as a global setting, so a total conversion isn't necessary
could you post what he needs to change to lower it?
01-10-2011, 05:00 PM
Tottel Offline
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RE: question to the devs : the blue lantern...

open Amnesia_install_dir/config/game.cfg with notepad or a similar program.

Hit ctrl + f and search for: "Player_Darkness". It should be more or less at the bottom.

Now, I didn't look these up or anything, so I'll just give a brief explanation that seems logical to me for each line.

MinLightLevel = "0.15" -> The minimum light 'shining' on you before your 'nightvision' starts.

RadiusAdd = "3" -> The extra outer radius that you will see with your 'nightvision'?

AmbientLightMinLightLevel = "0.2" -> No clue what the difference is with MinLightLevel.
AmbientLightRadius = "6.5" -> How far you can see.
AmbientLightIntensity = "0.32" -> Howmuch lighter it gets.
AmbientLightFadeInTime = "2.8" -> How long the fade from dark to full nightvision takes.
AmbientLightFadeOutTime = "2.3" -> Same but reversed: going from darkness to a more well-lit area.
AmbientLightColor = "0.5 0.5 1 0" -> The colour of the 'nightvision' (Red | Green | Blue)
01-10-2011, 05:31 PM
Deu sex Offline

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RE: question to the devs : the blue lantern...

very interesting, thank you !

I'll try that when I can.
(This post was last modified: 01-10-2011, 05:38 PM by Deu sex.)
01-10-2011, 05:37 PM

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