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The Ultimate SOMA Discussion Thread
MadDoggyca Offline
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RE: Next Frictional Game

I think squeals for games like these would destore the orginal story and game..

I hope for a fresh new story line ever time...

(thats not to say a 2 part game like there first one) I be up for another 2 part game but please no more then 2 parts and no sequeals...


It just cam to me you know what would be a sexy spin off with ouyt the games but keep the horre and susspence intact. Any one play Cryostasis????

I think a complete horror serviel game on a isloted Ship would be a real kicker.... infact I jumped a few times playing Cryostasis my self.. The hole heat/Heath idea kicked ass I thought.
(This post was last modified: 02-24-2011, 02:12 AM by MadDoggyca.)
02-24-2011, 02:09 AM
hollowleviathan Offline
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RE: Next Frictional Game

Penumbra occurred in an isolated mine/underground complex, Amnesia occurred in an isolated castle. But yes, Cryostasis was a great game.
You make a good point that the best stories are the ones that are planned through, but I argue that a sufficiently skilled writer can make good with an existing canon for extension - the main problem of sequels is that there's this expectation of sufficient similarity, while still advancing the gameplay and story in significant ways. It's a limiting factor that can easily stifle creativity.
PS: your spelling.
02-24-2011, 06:15 AM
ELF Offline
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RE: Next Frictional Game

I think I've seen the name of the next game but I don't know where.
The name I saw where Unknown. It could also be that the name is unknown, but at the same time it seemed like Unknown was the name of the game.
02-26-2011, 12:09 AM
Sexbad Offline
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RE: Next Frictional Game

Unknown, along with Lux Tenebras, was a working title for Amnesia. I actually liked both more than "Amnesia: The Dark Descent."

Your best bet is that their next game will be called The Dark Swarm because this website http://thedarkswarm.com/ is where FG host some of their content. The homepage also has a WIP web game on it.

That's all I really know though.

[Image: jao3z.jpg]
02-26-2011, 12:47 AM
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ELF Offline
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RE: Next Frictional Game

(02-26-2011, 12:47 AM)Lee Wrote: Unknown, along with Lux Tenebras, was a working title for Amnesia. I actually liked both more than "Amnesia: The Dark Descent."
Ooh, ok.
02-26-2011, 12:53 AM
Malera Offline
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RE: Next Frictional Game

I would hope for a game like Amnesia. The fact that you could not defend yourself made the game so much scarier that if you would have been able to just "bash" everything down.

I hold my fingers crossed for another scary game.

02-26-2011, 11:53 AM
Zopy Offline
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RE: Next Frictional Game

One thing I hope for in the next game is that the scary aspects are more incorporated into the puzzles. In both the Penumbra series and Amnesia, it seemed like the horror aspects didn't merge seamlessly with the puzzle aspects.

They seemed to go like this: Puzzle/exploration sequence -> Horror Sequence -> Another puzzle sequence and so forth.

All four games were great, but by far the best parts were when you had to solve a puzzle while there was a threat of a monster nearby, those were the aspects I remember most. For instance, the water level in Amnesia, and the worm levels in Penumbra are exactly what I am talking about. If there were more of those in the next game, it'd be amazing.
02-27-2011, 07:35 AM
GamerChickaESO Offline
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RE: Next Frictional Game

I kinda wish that there would be a game where like two characters you can choose and play two different places, then meet and who knows what happens die or live, or one dies or one lives. :S Just a thought, but another game like Penumbra would be amazing. I played Amnesia before Penumbra and thought Penumbra was a little bit more scarier because... idk why it just seemed like it. OR, they can make a game where you wake up and find your town swarmed with grunts, brutes, infected, dogs, and the Worm, and the Darkness. Just combine it all together and try to live through it. No maybe not. Idk, just stating a thought again. I'm sure their next game with be even more amazing. Big Grin
03-10-2011, 04:36 AM
eiahmon Offline

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RE: Next Frictional Game

I would like to see an expansion to Amnesia sometime in the future, a game that explains things in the story that weren't fully fleshed out, but I would also be equally thrilled to see a whole new game from Frictional.

I hope they stick with horror, since they have proven that they can pull it off very well, and I have to get my horror fix from somewhere. :p I really don't want too much combat though. Not being able to fight much like in Penumbra or at all like in Amnesia works just fine for me.

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03-10-2011, 08:01 AM
gandalf91 Offline
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RE: Next Frictional Game

Agreed. I do play some combat games myself, but this is a nice, unique change of pace.
03-10-2011, 04:08 PM

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