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Monsters are kinda retarded...
SmokeSum Offline
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Monsters are kinda retarded...

First time i saw the monster i was scared but then later on i got some thoughts about playing with the monster.
When i first entered the prison and go to the cell where the monster is coming from i slammed the door shut and he was banging it open while i was in the room opposite of the room he is coming from, i heard him walking in the hall and the music is slowly disapearing but i pick up my lamp and slam with the door to lure the monster towards me, i see him coming slash the door and entering the room....but he doesn't attack or see mee while the room is full of light!!

OMG after this happend i played many times with the monster and took away the scaryness cause the monster is to dumb to even see you in light!
I noticed that when you just don't look at him he doesn't do anything and playing the game without using the lantarn makes monsters forget about you LOL!
It's realy a nice game but it lacks on some points so it makes monsters less scary...
Like when the music dissapears you know he is gone and you don't have to be scared cause he never spawns twice at same location, when you know the game sounds this game is much more playable then getting suprised by every sound, know the sound and you will not get scared so easy...
I also noticed that when you jump on crates or on a sewer Pipe monsters can't reach you but they see you, so they keep forever waiting for you to come down....guess this is a glitch as wel...

I noticed that when you aren't scared and keep your mind on relaxt some things are very silly and stupid made...sorry to say but for a game that took that long to make they should have noticed these glitches, but then again it still is a very good game Smile
(This post was last modified: 09-14-2010, 03:24 PM by SmokeSum.)
09-14-2010, 03:19 PM
Mr. X Offline

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RE: Monsters are kinda retarded...

Hey, the enemies are zombies. What did you expect?
09-30-2010, 04:42 PM
Mjarr Offline
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RE: Monsters are kinda retarded...

(09-14-2010, 03:19 PM)SmokeSum Wrote: I noticed that when you aren't scared and keep your mind on relaxt some things are very silly and stupid made...sorry to say but for a game that took that long to make they should have noticed these glitches, but then again it still is a very good game Smile

I wouldn't say the spawning thing is a glitch, but rather somewhat silly design issue, same applies for the music. In a way it is understandable, but it becomes somewhat predictable after a while no matter how one would try to immerse oneself. Even more so if you're familiar with Penumbra.

I can't really comment on the AI behaviour as I only saw two 'real' glitches and one probable: in one spot I saw a monster spinning in circles as it would play Counter Strike\some shooter with 80.0 mouse sensitivity for a while before snapping out of it, one time I saw a monster literally just staring into a corner and not giving shit despite throwing something at it and even jumping in front of it (and the game crashed around few seconds after that) and there was one part where I basically was "out in the open" next a torch but it still didn't really give a crap. Sure I doubt those enemies are members of MENSA (lol) but the situational behaviour occasionally seems to be somewhat odd, depending on if the player was too good at hiding or managed to just trigger something really weird.
09-30-2010, 05:24 PM
TheLittleGarfield Offline

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RE: Monsters are kinda retarded...

(09-30-2010, 05:24 PM)Mjarr Wrote: I wouldn't say the spawning thing is a glitch, but rather somewhat one time I saw a monster literally just staring into a corner and not giving shit despite throwing something at it and even jumping in front of it

Spoiler below!
Maybe he was just mad that Alexander didn't give him his monthly paycheck.

09-30-2010, 05:52 PM
Datashocker Offline
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RE: Monsters are kinda retarded...

Lol... Emo zombie.

The girlish scream that Daniel puts forth as he sees a disturbing event is enough to make my day.
10-02-2010, 06:34 AM
Stixsmaster Offline
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RE: Monsters are kinda retarded...

tbh me and a frend on steam both have mics and we did a voice chat via steam ingame and we caught up to eachother at the same part in the game...and then continued on together and we both experienced the monsters together and both were shocked by them...

I mean I had teh water monster knock me off a box...I had them also break threw doors and other obstacles perfectly well...and then the other monsters we both never expected it but they just started to walk fast towards us...and we were like ok we can still run away and then all a sudden they sprinted and we both started screaming for our lives...

and the monsters will chase you a good distance...we even had a second monster appear else where as we retreated from another and it sprinted for us and finished us....that was when we both started to literally shake all over like now other...

If that isnt good AI for this game...then damn...you just love to find a games 1 exploit is what I would call it and take advantage of it and not enjoy the game the way it is ment to be...its like how Halo 2 is...how you can do mega jumps and what not...when your not sposed to be able to...it just ruins the gameplay...and is an epic fail on your behalf...

10-02-2010, 06:45 AM
SiamJai Offline
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RE: Monsters are kinda retarded...

(09-14-2010, 03:19 PM)SmokeSum Wrote: Like when the music dissapears you know he is gone and you don't have to be scared cause he never spawns twice at same location

That's not entirely true. In certain areas (the prison for example), there is a chance that a monster will spawn more than once, even if you've encountered it there already. You just got lucky.

Overall I agree with you though that the enemies are less important here, and for that I'm actually glad, since it makes the exploration more enjoyable.

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10-06-2010, 09:57 AM
hollowleviathan Offline
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RE: Monsters are kinda retarded...

The shambling humanoids can easily and often re-appear in or near where they were last seen in the Choir area, as well. I felt more harried/hunted in that area than even the prison because of it, despite the thrill and hope of nearing the end.
10-06-2010, 10:14 AM
DemonGhoul Offline
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RE: Monsters are kinda retarded...

The water lurkers are worse, I feel, I was able to leg it through the water most of the time.
Or maybe I was just lucky.
04-22-2011, 04:44 AM
Hunter of Shadows Offline
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RE: Monsters are kinda retarded...

You only JUST noticed that the enemies are retards?

Me and a friend once discussed what would happen if you could turn up the difficulty, and make the enemies smarter
04-22-2011, 05:07 AM
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