(05-03-2011, 09:21 PM)Kyle Wrote: Simpanra, is the big tutorial that you planned involving with the script I helped you with?
You mean the Lever combination script? Not yet my friend ^_^ I will make that one soon but i still don't quite understand it =P Could you possibly send me an example map and script with a simple combination? =) If you could then i will use your map and script for the vid and give you 100% credit =DDDD It just needs to do something simple like unlock a door or something =)
(05-03-2011, 09:30 PM)Simpanra Wrote: You mean the Lever combination script? Not yet my friend ^_^ I will make that one soon but i still don't quite understand it =P Could you possibly send me an example map and script with a simple combination? =) If you could then i will use your map and script for the vid and give you 100% credit =DDDD It just needs to do something simple like unlock a door or something =)
I hope you can do so =) Thanks man =P
Alright, I'll post the link of it here in an hour.
(05-03-2011, 09:45 PM)Kyle Wrote: Alright, I'll post the link of it here in an hour.
Dude you damned well rock! =D
I cannot wait to make the video tutorial for it =) I will probably post it some time tomorrow as it is nearly ten already and i will have to look at it and look in the editor to fully understand it =)
Thank you so much for the help though man =D
I wouldn't be able to make the combination video without you =)
No problem, anytime. So far I finished building 2 rooms, placed the levers, placed the door, set it up as a custom story, and now I'm starting to script it.
Wow! That is excellent! Amazing work so far man keep it up ^___^
Thank you once again =)
If i could be really cheeky and ask one more small favour, could you place a README file inside the custom story giving a brief explanation of how it works? =D If not that is perfectly fine =)