Hey people of the Amnesia custom story community,this my first time posting on a forum of any sort so I'm sorta a newbie here, anyway this my "thread" for my custom story called Insanity,I'll be posting updates on how its going and questions of scripting.Thanks for reading!
Story: You jolt awake in your cell after hearing a loud crashing noise,you remember nothing and after reading some diary entries you discover that your name is Charles and that you have been in a insane asylum called the Greenwich Project Building for 2 years after being diagnosed with amnesia 3 years previous.The plan is to escape and find out more about yourself but as you venture further into the establishment unsettling events begin to take place,but how much of it is just your mind?
Patient Archives and Storage
Entrace Hall
Wing 1
Not Yet To Be Revealed
Not Yet To Be Revealed
--Update As Of 14/05/11--
Screenshots comming soon,problems with scripting still there,If you want to help go over to the Callback Help thread I posted.
If this thread gets more popular I might release a very short demo.

Thanks for reading!
--Update As Of 15/05/11--
Just started level 5 and it will be huge and it will be the main hub of the game.
--Update As Of 22/05/11--
I just added lightning in Level 5 thanks to mrPalistov, I think, check out his thread.
--Update As Of 28/05/11--
Added screenshots of the boiler and storage room in level 4!
Demo comming soon!
--Update As Of 2/06/11--
Beta to be released at the end of the month so stay tuned!
I have started work on level 7 which wont be in the demo or beta.
List has now been added so you can see what to expect in the comming beta and demo!
I am in need of help with lighting in my levels such as billboards and point lights,If you are intrested please comment below

all people who help will be given early access to both beta and demo and will of course be given full credit in the credits and readme!
Thanks for reading.
--Update As Of 23/06/11--
Changed the name to Insane Revelations and in need of a modeler,the Wing 1 is comming along nicely and I have done 80% of the map in the past 2 weeks but it looks amazing and it will be the scariest part of the custom story
List of confirmed maps to be in the demo: (in order of apperance)
Patient Archives and Storage
Entrance Hall
Wing 1
This custom story is my first custom story I have ever made also the first time I have tried to script anything so any help is greatly appreciated

This story is about immersing yourself in the story so there wont be many monsters or scares.
I hope you enjoyed reading this and post your thoughts in the comments!