I dont know if this is the right section or not, I did not find anything about this issue using search either, BUT! Is it possible to save a custom story?
If you want to save automatically in your custom story, you can always use AutoSave(); function.
Manually for players, it's always possible to press ESC, then choose Save & Exit
That's why u got 2 "Main" folders, one for dev and one for gaming :p Just name em MainG and MainD, so all you do is change the gaming one to Main and you're good to go
(I do not take credit for this, can't remember where I read it, but not me who came up with the idea)
EDIT: I do not take any credits for this, all credits go to Tanshaydar who came up with this fantastic idea
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2011, 12:19 AM by DannieWest.)