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Ive finally played Amensia. Heres my Review (plus Penumbra comparisons)
Im_Sexy Offline

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Ive finally played Amensia. Heres my Review (plus Penumbra comparisons)


Last time ive posted here i couldn't run Amnesia due to my crappy computer. Now, ive bought a new graphic card, so finally i was able to run the game and complete it. Was it worth it? Damn sure it was.
The Penumbra series let me terrified, and so did Amnesia.

The story was ok, nothing too fancy, but not terrible either. I liked more the gameplay itself and since it uses Penumbra's style, there isnt much to talk about it.

Whats good

Atmosphere/environment: Ive got to say that the atmosphere in this game is fantastic. You truly feel alone here, more then in Penumbra. I liked how this game was set in the 18th century. I really liked the castle and all that stuff to explore, the more i explored, the more it truly made me feel uncomfortable knowing there was something out there but i didnt knew what it was. Liked all the effects out there, i can say it beats Penumbra.

Music/Sound Effects: I must say this is one the best things in this game. The music is good as Penumbra, but the sound effects... they are eerie. I played the entire game with headphones and there was ALWAYS something making a sound: chains, a door closing, some rats and cockroaches, the wind, etc etc...
I remember walking in wood floor and hear footsteps... but no one was there. Let me horrified all the time. And this was alwaysing happening. Maybe was the "Shadow?"

Graphics: Amnesia may not have amazing top notch graphics but they sure do the work. They are way better then Penumbra and the monster detail is just spectacular. Also liked the indoor rooms with books, chairs. They were greatly detailed.

The Monsters: Creepy shit... amazing job on crating those 2 guys!

Its scary: Oh yes, this game is scary, no doubt about that. I was waiting so much for my first enemy encounter, and after some "hallucinations" i nearly crap my pants when this dude came out of nowhere from the dark and killed me. Or the water part... oh boy. Theres tons of other events that scared me (like the Iron Maden thing opening and closing on me because i was curious lol)

Sanity: I liked the sanity idea in this game. Still i only fainted once. It was clever to be near light to be ok, or else you would see things that didn't exist. I liked for example how the paintings changed. Also this reminded when you weren't within a light source to find one... quickly. But i got to admit that sometimes this was annoying: when Daniel turned slowly.

Now the bad:

Monsters disappear: One of my main complains is how monsters disappear after they give up on you. They just vaporize into thin air, unlike Penumbra, where the enemies always patrol a certain area. Also, when you die, the monsters go away. Why? It takes the fun away that you can just walk normally again because the game removed the monster.

Monster scripts: Most of the time you pick an item, a monster appears. Its like Doom, and i really hated that. I think a more "randomize script" would work perfectly. You never knew when or where the enemy was going to appear.

Puzzles: There were little puzzles in this game comparing to Penumbra. Dont get me wrong, i liked some of then, but i also hate those that you need to think, like the lever part. I knew i needed to get equal numbers but i just gave up and saw the solution on the internet, but thats just because im a lazy fuck.

Too dark: This is good and... bad. I spend most of my time in this game in the dark. Sure, it made things more creepy, specially in the Prison and Choir (hated this fucker). I could adjust the gamma, but then it was too bright. I think the lantern went out too quickly for my taste, i forgot how many times i was bumping into walls just to see what was ahead.
Bringing the Choir level again, ugh... It was scary because i didn't had oil and couldn't see shit ahead of me. And the moment i heard the enemy coming i turned back. Used some tinderboxes and it was a pain in the ass to obtain the 3 orb pieces. I thought i only needed to get one, so i ended up returning to the room about 4 more times. I spend most of my time running around in circles, only to come across the wheel room over and over and over again. When i finally bumped into another room i was like "Ohhh so theres more..."

With this, i give this game a 9 out of 10. I could easily give a 10 because of the map editor hehe
I think Amnesia is more scary then Penumbra, has a batter atmosphere and its overall better then it. I like both games, and if you didn't play then what the hell are you waiting for??
But since ive heard frictional arent going to make a sequel or another horror game like this, im a bit sad.Undecided

Still, good job guys, you sure know how to make the most scary games of all time.Smile
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2011, 12:42 AM by Im_Sexy.)
07-08-2011, 12:07 AM
Brennenburg Offline

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RE: Ive finally played Amensia. Heres my Review (plus Penumbra comparisons)

I agree with 9 out of 10 and I also agree on how you said that once you hide in a cupboard or whatever the monster just delete off the level once they walk away from you. I wish in Amnesia the castle was like a persistent world where even the grunts back in the refinery could still come down to the inner sanctum(Not sure how you would go about recognising them individually because they all look the same).

Then there is the puzzles, well as you said it would be nice if they were more complex as the ones in Penumbra but whatever. I still really like Amnesia as one of my most favourite games of all time.

[Image: TRcp2.png]
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2011, 01:12 AM by Brennenburg.)
07-08-2011, 01:11 AM
bobbo Offline
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RE: Ive finally played Amensia. Heres my Review (plus Penumbra comparisons)

(07-08-2011, 01:11 AM)Brennenburg Wrote: I agree with 9 out of 10 and I also agree on how you said that once you hide in a cupboard or whatever the monster just delete off the level once they walk away from you.

Wouldn't it be possible to make the monsters not vanishing with the map editor for a tougher difficulty? Some custom stories use monsters that permanently patrol. I don't know the editor: Would that be a lot of work or would it just mean to delete one "vanish monster!"-line of script per monster?
07-08-2011, 11:00 AM
Brennenburg Offline

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RE: Ive finally played Amensia. Heres my Review (plus Penumbra comparisons)

(07-08-2011, 11:00 AM)bobbo Wrote:
(07-08-2011, 01:11 AM)Brennenburg Wrote: I agree with 9 out of 10 and I also agree on how you said that once you hide in a cupboard or whatever the monster just delete off the level once they walk away from you.

Wouldn't it be possible to make the monsters not vanishing with the map editor for a tougher difficulty? Some custom stories use monsters that permanently patrol. I don't know the editor: Would that be a lot of work or would it just mean to delete one "vanish monster!"-line of script per monster?

I have no clue I'm a total novice when it come to the HLP2 editor. The only editors I know with experience are the CryEngine2 Sandbox Editor and the CryEngine3 Sandbox Editor.

[Image: TRcp2.png]
07-08-2011, 01:27 PM
Im_Sexy Offline

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RE: Ive finally played Amensia. Heres my Review (plus Penumbra comparisons)

(07-08-2011, 11:00 AM)bobbo Wrote:
(07-08-2011, 01:11 AM)Brennenburg Wrote: I agree with 9 out of 10 and I also agree on how you said that once you hide in a cupboard or whatever the monster just delete off the level once they walk away from you.

Wouldn't it be possible to make the monsters not vanishing with the map editor for a tougher difficulty? Some custom stories use monsters that permanently patrol. I don't know the editor: Would that be a lot of work or would it just mean to delete one "vanish monster!"-line of script per monster?

Hmm ive posted in the custom stories forum regarding disappearing enemies. Im still waiting for an answer. In my mapm i dont want monsters too disappear when you die.
07-10-2011, 08:19 PM
Fomzo Offline
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RE: Ive finally played Amensia. Heres my Review (plus Penumbra comparisons)

Ehhh man, the lower set of puzzles is beneficial for me...
07-10-2011, 08:44 PM
Cataclysm Offline
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RE: Ive finally played Amensia. Heres my Review (plus Penumbra comparisons)

I agree there definitely could have been more puzzles, and the monster scripts were a little annoying. However, on that same thought, being absorbed in the atmosphere (for me at least) misdirected me from notices them a lot of the time. The thing about Amnesia is, you have to just play through and absorb yourself as much as possible. If you focus to much on the things like that you lose some of the experience. You can reflect later.

The scripting detail is something that is difficult to avoid in a game where no weapons are at your disposal. Imagine patrols in some of the areas in that game O_O!!!! I spent to much time in the Choir Main hall for my own sanity!!

If guns don't kill people, People kill people. Then toasters don't toast toast, Toast toast toast

[Image: 2b5wu9.png]

07-11-2011, 05:56 AM

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