Hello anyone who cares, I've start work on a big, big project, most custom storys are 10-30 minutes long, but I have decided to take on the burden of making a full "game". My range of game time that I want to hit is at least 60-90 minutes. For those of you who know the Dawn of war story will surely love this custom game, its around the Grey Knights, my personal favorite chapter in the DoW universe.
*Screen shots*
So I decided to go a little indepth on the story for you people. You are a Grey Knight, a mighty warrior of the Emperor, strong in spirit and untouchable by evil, unknown to most of the Empire of man, the Grey Knights fight a constant war with the dark and evil powers of Chaos, as of 3 days ago, the Ordo was alerted of an attack on the UltraMarines, and their home planet Macragge. Attacks like these are not uncommon, and usally fail, but not this time, no word has been sent from the Ultra Marines, and the Ordo has started to worry, even more strange, scans of the planet conclude the attackers are an unkown legion of Chaos, something the Grey Knights did not suspect, Kaldor Draigo, Head chapter master of the Grey Knights, has no choice but to start a holy crusade of Macragge, with the aid of the Black Templars, a complete purge of Macragge has been ordered.
Its a work in progress, but I would say the scripting is semi good, for those of you who scare easily and love dark gloomy atmospherics games, this is for you! *Special thanks to Nadthebat for TONS of help with scripting and a few teaching lessons*
Enjoy! Post feedback!
*Update* Working with NadTheBat, Im going to try and add some voice acting, now I know wat you're thinking "Khan! How are you going to voice act Space Marines! They have super steroid deep voices!" Well, NadTheBat seems to have a natural space marine voice

, so Im experimenting with that, hope it turns out good!
*update* Lots of changes, dont worry, the story has not been changed at all, from wat Im seeing people are really liking the story line, lol, good :p Lots of lighting changes have happened, yes, you are reading this right, I thought it was to light, so I made it a little darker! *evil laugh* I tweeked with the pointlights and added a sorta orange/yellow shading, to give it more candle light look, so far its turning out nicely, full 15 Demo is coming up fast, stay tuned for more updates!
*update* Full complete Demo should be out tommorow, I havent slept in who knows how long working on this thing, this scripting is killing me -.-, but, if all gos as planned, a full, good semi long demo will be out tommorow.
*Full, long scary good demo will be realeased either late tonight, or early tommorow*
*Update* Full demo is done, enjoy.
*News* Im going to start deleating old updates to save alot of reading, started working on the second level, will take screens sometime later tommorow or friday and post em. Enjoy.