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My theory in this Penumbra story; why Red did what he did
Linux.Blue Offline
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RE: My theory in this Penumbra story; why Red did what he did

this wiki is accurate/official? I heard some wiki sites giving the people the chance to fill in whatever.

I keep thinking that myself when I think of the intro to Black Plague.
my idea was "Good day, good day, can you hear me?" then a pause, followed by a burst of laughter.
I haven't read the whole penumbra stuff like a lot of other people did. I read some, but after the doom 3 and reading all those PDA's, I was like, ah, I don't know if I want to read it all.
where does it really say he had cabin fever? am I not looking in the right places?
11-22-2007, 07:16 PM

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