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Spoiler Some suggestions for the developers to improve game mechanics. (SPOILERS)
Hunter of Shadows Offline
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RE: Some suggestions for the developers to improve game mechanics. (SPOILERS)

Quote: I'd also like to see patroling monsters which doesn't despawn, so that you get a gameplay more like the one in Forbidden Siren.
There are patrolling monsters...try the brutes in the Choir

Quote: Edit:

Oh, and PLEASE remove the ability to pause the game.

The inventory and the in-game options menu can all be done with
real-time huds, and there are always some safe places that the player
can stand around in while going to the bathroom or eating. It's really
annoying to see other players chicken out in the middle of a scare.
There's no immersion in having an instant safety zone at the press of a

Especially since...sure it's a safety zone, but it's a temporary one, they have to go right back...and regardless, chicken out? Chickening out is quitting the game, pausing for a moment to collect yourself isn't

04-09-2012, 06:15 AM
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RE: Some suggestions for the developers to improve game mechanics. (SPOILERS) - by Hunter of Shadows - 04-09-2012, 06:15 AM

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