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A Diskussion about "regenerative health" in horror games.
Damascus Rose Offline
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RE: A Diskussion about "regenerative health" in horror games.

What is with everybody having the need to select specific words out of their sentences to capitalize? If you want emphasis, just use italics, less annoying. Also most of the words emphasized need no emphasis.

Anyway, on topic:

(07-28-2012, 11:15 AM)Googolplex Wrote: A major problem in Amnesia also is that you doesn't need the Laudanum.
Because when you have regen health, it's totally worthless.
Nothing worse than to have no esteem to items.

I know, it's a problem to scatter around items in a world where you think "who the hell had left it here?".
So, such items should be really rare (~ 10 in the whole game) and only avaiable in places where it's logic to find them there.

I wouldn't say the regen health in Amnesia is annoying, but the feeling of horror and helpless would be improved when your health does not automatically refill.
Perhaps it would be a good choice when the effect would be slowed down, that it takes 5-10 minutes longer to be health.

It's absolutely wrong to compare Amnesia with COD mechanics, Amnesia is not a casual game, but it has some casual features it shouldn't have.
Nevertheless, Amnesia is one of the best games I ever played.
I prefer Penumbra a bit, because I played Penumbra first and maybe that's the reason because I look at every detail. Penumbra has by far more thoughtful and tricky involving puzzles than Amnesia and the horror in Black Plague is at least on the same level as Amnesia. Both games are holy pieces in my opinion and the developers should feel honored when people making thoughts to their games and tell how to improve some general things.
The big deal with having less health is the slower movement and red screen, and not always will you be in a situation where you can just sit wait and regenerate health. Also when you are being chased by a grunt and it hits you, you can use laudanum to get the health back to survive another hit, which you wouldn't be able to with regen (but then again it isn't exactly realistic to be chased by a monster then just stop the game, open inventory and heal hp back).

About Amnesia having these "casual features" as you call them that it shouldn't, that's very arguable. You are synthesizing the elements of amnesia into a comparison between casual and hardcore, when the entire premise of Amnesia is about the experience behind the game. It is not meant to be a challenge, it's not about winning, or losing. This has been said before, not having health regen would be a major annoyance and distraction from the game and the things the developers mean for you to see. Health also isn't a big deal in the game, considering the monsters kill you in few hits (as somebody has said before).

Also, I have no idea why you started talking about your opinion on Penumbra when it's completely unrelated to what you were trying to say :/

[Image: damascusrose2.png]
07-28-2012, 07:11 PM

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RE: A Diskussion about "regenerative health" in horror games. - by Damascus Rose - 07-28-2012, 07:11 PM

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