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Amnesia - A Laugh in the Darkness Chapter 3
Skashi Away

Posts: 315
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Joined: Nov 2011
RE: Amnesia - A Laugh in the Darkness Chapter 3

(12-24-2012, 08:34 AM)Kman Wrote: I'm going to be completely honest with you right now Skashi, you could make the most well thought out high quality custom story ever made and regardless of that you're still going to have a crowd of people here that will think it's absolute horse shit. Not saying that I'm one of them, after a certain point I just stopped caring about all this shit and just ignored jumpscare maps when they showed up (well, that's not entirely true, I would peak in them every once in a while just to watch Corinthian smash his head against his keyboard in rage for teh lulz, but other than that I ignored them), so I wouldn't really be able to judge any of them since I never play them. But because of how much damage the House of Creep series did to the modding community I can't blame people for still being angry with you, and as a result every time you release a story I can pretty much guarantee you you're going to get at least 1 or 2 pissed off rants from frequent members here about how terrible your story is. I'm not necessarily saying that means you should stop modding (I'd be very happy to see a well rounded and polished story by you in the future, but I somehow doubt that's going to happen), just that if you're pouring tons and tons of time into each of these I wouldn't really expect a lot in response.

yeah i already noticed that, but i don't care.
I have enough people who enjoy my stories and that is enough for me :3
12-24-2012, 09:32 AM

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RE: Amnesia - A Laugh in the Darkness Chapter 3 - by Skashi - 12-24-2012, 09:32 AM

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