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Dissertation work with Amnesia: The Dark Decent
Ghieri Offline
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RE: Dissertation work with Amnesia: The Dark Decent

 When first faced with a Gatherer, what distinctive feature scares you the most about it?

I saw a silhouette of the monster, but it looked kind of like a plain human. This was before I knew what the grunt looked like.

 Out of the two monsters in the game, which scares you the most and give a detailed description why?

Water monster. First I didn't know what to expect, then I saw the splashing, and was like: "HOLY SHIT INVISIBLE MAN TRYING TO KILL ME!" See, when I first played the demo, I thought the monsters were just variations of ghostly men, because that's what I saw in the trailer.(Looking back, it was a grunt, but it did look like a glowing man with a sword to me for some reason.)

 As you played the demo, did you ever consider turning the game off? If so why?

Yes, I saw was near the end of the demo(in the second kaernk room) and I quit because it stressed me out so much. I came back a month later, played the whole thing, and beat it, and was like: "lol, why'd I stop here?"

 How does the general environment make you feel?

Before I got wise it genuinely immersed me into thinking it was a realistic castle. Before I got used to the scenery, everything felt alien and new. I didn't know where I was, just that I was in a castle. Everything just kind of branched from that thinking. (My mind tricked me into thinking the monsters were just ghostly medieval guards, and my imagination made me think the kaernk was just an imprint of a ghostly man.) Honestly, I would have been more interested in a plot that went with that thinking, but I digress.)

 Do you find yourself throwing objects when the gatherer is chasing you? If so, why do you do this?

I read that throwing objects could make the monsters angry, so I thought better of that.

 Explain one part in the demo that scared you the most?

Wine cellar.

 Would you consider buying the full game to play in your own time? If not, why?

I bought and finished it.

 If you could make this game play a lot easier for yourself, what would you add/change?

I never felt mentally challenged by the mechanics, it was all fairly straightforward.

[Image: tumblr_n6m5lsQThQ1qc99nxo1_250.gif]
03-22-2013, 11:02 PM

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RE: Dissertation work with Amnesia: The Dark Decent - by Ghieri - 03-22-2013, 11:02 PM

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