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Opinions on how TCR & FG are dealing with AAMFP criticism
Alardem Offline
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RE: My opinion about how TCR is dealing with the criticism

I think the game's linearity and simplicity works better for introducing non-gamers or casual players into the horror experience. This is something that a lot of angry fans seem to forget, and those who do remember often act ridiculously snobby.

Apparently it's a crime and a betrayal to make a game more accessible to 'casual' players by...diminishing the emphasis on puzzles and item hunting, removing the light-sanity balancing game, and making the protagonist a resilient character. I dunno, it sure helps in getting the attention of people who otherwise wouldn't bat an eyelash at games. The game's professionally done, has a story that's much less dumb than a certain big-budget game about a flying city, and still feels like a cousin to Amnesia rather than a separate entity.

Personally, I'm a little disappointed that Pinchbeck lost control and lashed out at the negative reaction on this forum. While understandable and satisfying, it does affect his team's critical integrity and raises the question if they can withstand more backlash for future projects i.e. the Rapture game. As a random stranger on the internet, I'll say this: it's the internet. The majority of blind hatred lessens after the first few months, and the more legitimate comments linger on. One has to roll their eyes and laugh at the internet rage, because responding to anger in kind, as tempting as it feels, doesn't work.
09-21-2013, 07:54 AM

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RE: My opinion about how TCR is dealing with the criticism - by Alardem - 09-21-2013, 07:54 AM

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