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Other great Survival Horror games?
mtkafka Offline
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RE: Other great Survival Horror games?

(12-26-2009, 04:52 AM)ravenx444 Wrote: One game i'm surprised no one mentioned on this board.

Nosferatu: The wrath of Malakai.

yes that was a great horror game. its amazing it never got more reknown. the new amnesia video has alot of the same feel of Nosferatu. There does seem to be a cult following to the game.. but I have not heard of the developers making anything else. closest game to followiing the save the famly gameplay in nosferatu was Dead Rising on 360, which isn't completely horror surivival, but it does give some tense moments because you are trying to beat the clock and save ppl! i really like emergent gameplay than scripted.

I'm hoping fricitional stays around longer than irrational does (great developers of Thief/SS2)... playing Overture felt alot like some of Thief, and ALOT of Black Plague is so reminiscent of SS2 (and some parts even EXCEEDS the great SS2!)
02-28-2010, 11:47 PM

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