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TotalBiscuit: discussion of gameplay and narrative
pecasso Offline
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RE: TotalBiscuit: discussion of gameplay and narrative

I welcome the narrative efforts from both Dear Esther and AAMFP to the point of being totally indifferent to the question of whether we're speaking about games or not. We're in the presence of an artistic work. Why would we be bothered about it being a game or not? Because it sells on Steam? I honestly applaud the commercial farce and I'm sure it will be worth it for the scandalous minority that, while being a gamer, will be able to enjoy these titles.

The purging efforts from these "cynical" gaming ambassadors are more about shielding their known world to perpetuate their dominant position than to improve it - they're so afraid of contamination they prefer to die by consanguinity. This is no big surprise if we look into history of art, the critics will always be conservative, but what strikes in the game universe is the common lack of cultural background from a good bit of them, which amplifies the hostility to alien objects.
Games as an art are still in their childhood, we need to be patient.
10-25-2013, 10:15 PM

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RE: TotalBiscuit: discussion of gameplay and narrative - by pecasso - 10-25-2013, 10:15 PM

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