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Genders in Gaming Target Audiences.
PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: Genders in Gaming Target Audiences.

I think that of because the many different ways males and females have emotions that the gaming industry is divided into Female and Male parts.

Males are action-oriented and females are emotion-oriented. The thing is that humans associate awesomeness as Action, Mystery and stuff. And companies take advantage of the awesomeness to get more money. This is why Male-oriented games dominates. It's because of the correlation that we associate awesomeness with Action and girls don't like action.

I mean compare two games. Titanfall and Barbie. Barbie is just make ups (No offense ladies) and Titanfall is cool mecha stuff. Which is more awesome? Titanfall obviously. And companies take advantage of this and thus since most depends on that awesomeness the male oriented games dominates the gaming industry.

Also, girls are more leaning into reality, whilst boys lean towards artificial reality. Because of this, most games are made for men because they lean towards AR. However, some women lean towards both and thus some companies take advantage of that and make girly games.

Please note that because I am a male, this opinion is mostly Male biased. And I'm sorry if I offend any females around here.

"Veni, vidi, vici."
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
04-24-2014, 07:52 AM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Genders in Gaming Target Audiences. - by Kman - 04-23-2014, 01:48 AM
RE: Genders in Gaming Target Audiences. - by Kman - 04-24-2014, 12:59 AM
RE: Genders in Gaming Target Audiences. - by Nice - 04-23-2014, 02:08 PM
RE: Genders in Gaming Target Audiences. - by Nice - 04-24-2014, 12:45 PM
RE: Genders in Gaming Target Audiences. - by Kman - 04-24-2014, 01:38 AM
RE: Genders in Gaming Target Audiences. - by PutraenusAlivius - 04-24-2014, 07:52 AM
RE: Genders in Gaming Target Audiences. - by Kman - 04-24-2014, 08:41 AM
RE: Genders in Gaming Target Audiences. - by Kman - 04-26-2014, 02:50 AM
RE: Genders in Gaming Target Audiences. - by Kman - 04-27-2014, 09:36 AM
RE: Genders in Gaming Target Audiences. - by Kman - 04-27-2014, 01:42 PM
RE: Genders in Gaming Target Audiences. - by Kman - 04-28-2014, 02:38 AM

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