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Carnivorous Jellybean's Re-Textured Models

RE: Carnivorous Jellybean's Re-Textured Models

(04-16-2015, 04:29 PM)CarnivorousJelly Wrote:
Hey guys have some
omg I'm so excited

So the download link includes everything already in this thread and a whole crapload of new stuff because I'm too lazy to sort out what's already in the thread and what needs uploading plus final exams are coming so ain't nobody got time for that.

Some of it is depicted in pictures on the first page of this thread and other bits of it have yet to be seen. Tell me if anything's broken/not working/not actually re-textured so I can fix it... eventually... or at least remove it from the pack.

  • Old wood assets made from the AMFP wooden stuff
  • Wallpapers for your desktop - I mean the walls in your CS
  • Spider webs that don't glow like they're radioactive
  • That new mansion-base stuff I mention in the starting thread
  • Mansion-base is love, mansion-base is life
  • Skydomes

Installation Instructions
Unzip, drag contents of carnivorous_mega_collection (the static_objects, entities, and textures folders) in to your redist. Select merge when prompted. If asked to overwrite anything, select NO! I'm not sure if I left some of the original assets in here with hopes of eventually retexturing them, but it's likely they're half-completed if that's the case and it would probably RUIN YOUR ASSETS. We don't want that, I love you guys.

File Size: 46.83 MB

If screenshots are requested, I may crack open amnesia again and finish the map I was using to display all the stuff. Otherwise, just have a little faith in me that the stuff is pretty c;

Do I need 1.3.1?
04-19-2015, 10:58 AM

Messages In This Thread
RE: Carnivorous Jellybean's Re-Textured Models - by LazzerBackup - 04-19-2015, 10:58 AM

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