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What would you like to see from Frictional next?
RyuRanX Offline
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RE: What would you like to see from Frictional next?

I want to see more interaction with the game's environment and physics. For example, I want to actually put the glass in the acid, manually carry it to the door and manually apply it on the lock. I want to actually do the things in the game and not just open the inventory and click on the item. Also, the game should allow the player to do everything is possible in real life, like set fire on a piece of wood and use it to lit the torches.

The encounters with the monsters should be more unexpected. By the ending of Amnesia it was too predictable and easily avoidable.

Also, the next Frictional Games title could have more outdoor areas like the farm in Amnesia or the exterior section of Penumbra, even if they have to reduce the graphical quality or details. It doesn't need to be big, but something like the external places in Resident Evil 1's mansion.

And harder puzzles for God's sake! I want horror and challenge! Use more the physics engine in gameplay and puzzles. That's what other games doesn't do.

09-14-2010, 01:01 AM

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RE: What would you like to see from Frictional next? - by RyuRanX - 09-14-2010, 01:01 AM

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