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Things that would have made Amnesia scarier
Shanksworthy Offline
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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier

Here are three things I thought of which would have increased the fear factor for me:

1. Near the beginning, there are some paintings with curtains over them. It would have been freaky if walking close to them would trigger an event where suddenly the curtains would start to take the form of extended arms as a creature slowly immerged from behind it.

2. Similar to #1, you could have a room full of statues that are covered with sheets, only one of them is not a statue. (shudder)

3. At another point near the beginning of the game, there was a hallway lined with statues of knights. At one point I was staring into a dark room, and you could see just the silouette of a knight standing there. It was the freakiest thing, and I hesitated to go in there because I wondered if it was just a creature standing perfectly still and just waiting. I would have shat myself if it had lunged at me when I came close.

The latter two suggestions use the mechanism of lulling you into a false sense of security by making you think that what you're looking at is something else. I find that to be a very effective scare tactic.
11-12-2010, 07:09 PM

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RE: Things that would have made Amnesia scarier - by Shanksworthy - 11-12-2010, 07:09 PM

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