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LOL Easter egg from tech demo!
gamgam2 Offline
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RE: LOL Easter egg from tech demo!

The coat was in the orignal tech demo(or something very similier)
It likely belonged to a girl. There was some blood, and alot of fly noises around that area(along with the first monster hiding in that area) means that the girl was likely killed there.

I don't think it has any real meaning, it's just alittle funny. (maybe the second episode/3rd episode you play as a girl. . . and maybe she wears that coat o_O)

Sometimes, if you look carefully at a wall for a few minutes, you'll realize you wasted some time.  It's true.
03-09-2007, 06:41 PM
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LOL Easter egg from tech demo! - by gamgam2 - 03-08-2007, 02:48 AM

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