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Not scared of Amnesia anymore, and it's ruined the game for me
Zoridium JackL Offline

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RE: Not scared of Amnesia anymore, and it's ruined the game for me

yeah, finish overture and play BP for a start, as shev said, their different games, but what it sounds like is that you have lost the immersion, but yeah, i think everyone reaches that point in overture and just legs it, it becomes a lot easier than actually playing, it sounds like you stopped playing because you enjoy it and just because you wanted to get to the end for the sake of getting there, that may be why it stopped being enjoyable.
01-26-2011, 08:24 AM

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RE: Not scared of Amnesia anymore, and it's ruined the game for me - by Zoridium JackL - 01-26-2011, 08:24 AM

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