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What is too much for you to handle?
nemesis567 Offline
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RE: What is too much for you to handle?

Want a tutorial on how to make the most horrifying game ever?

Well here go some tips:

-Environments as dark as you can with no lantern.
-Monsters must appear only in key areas, such as when you open the door in the other side of it accompanied with a scary sound, when you turn around, when you go trough a corner, or when you pick a key item.
-Instead of making the monsters disappear, make them return to a route so the player has an hard time to get away from it.
-Record the more disturbing sounds you find on the web into the game.
-Place the sounds in specific points in space, such as wall holes, from the ceiling directioning the players visual field into that direction and activating a monster behind the player.
-Create disturbing scenes such as the skulls one when you open some thing.
-Make the lights go off without noticing in some place.
-Change the environment lights according to specific events that you may script to occur.
-Make things fall around the player with sounds(such as laughs, cries, mainly childish ones).
And be creative. If you put all that in a game, you'll get people scared(most won't play your mod but ---)

Today I dreamt the life I could live forever. You only know that when you feel it for you know not what you like until you've experienced it.
05-18-2011, 10:40 PM

Messages In This Thread
What is too much for you to handle? - by xiphirx - 05-17-2011, 07:00 PM
RE: What is too much for you to handle? - by nemesis567 - 05-18-2011, 10:40 PM
RE: What is too much for you to handle? - by Sun - 05-18-2011, 11:01 PM

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