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Spoiler Some suggestions for the developers to improve game mechanics. (SPOILERS)
zeemeerman2 Offline
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RE: Some suggestions for the developers to improve game mechanics. (SPOILERS)

To Zoridium:
Actually, there is a monster at the Wine Cellar. It's only scripted so much that nine chances out of ten, it wouldn't harm the player and leaves the room (It is not an illusion like in the Archives! It's a real monster!) when the player comes near the monster.
The tutorial message in the same level is a great tool to create suspension. All other tutorial messages came when they were needed. Only this tutorial message, as comparison, it came way too early. But it helped immensely in the suspension.
02-20-2012, 08:40 PM

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RE: Some suggestions for the developers to improve game mechanics. (SPOILERS) - by zeemeerman2 - 02-20-2012, 08:40 PM

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