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laggy performance
luxirom Offline
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Solved: 8 Years, 3 Months ago RE: laggy performance

other than system UI server at under 5% and obviously top Wink... nothing using cpu or ram.

penumbra running at 104% stable, even without user-input.

some additional thing i noticed: turning is only laggy the first full turn! if i turn again in a room (in the room with red's toilet for example) its fluent.

so maybe something to do with loading new graphic-elements or polygons?

"top" readout:
Processes: 75 total, 3 running, 72 sleeping... 266 threads 21:48:24
Load Avg: 1.32, 0.76, 0.40 CPU usage: 55.91% user, 2.27% sys, 41.82% idle
SharedLibs: num = 2, resident = 52M code, 0 data, 4112K linkedit.
MemRegions: num = 14809, resident = 239M + 14M private, 112M shared.
PhysMem: 245M wired, 439M active, 77M inactive, 761M used, 775M free.
VM: 5691M + 127M 239741(0) pageins, 161790(0) pageouts

of course i dont know in what programming environment you programmed your game and how you managed to compile it for different platforms (nor do i know about opengl, directx and its influence on performance).

or maybe 10.5 is the cause. (wouldnt be surprised, cause 10.5 is generally more unstable and unresponsive compared to 10.4).

best regards!
01-13-2008, 09:53 PM

Messages In This Thread
laggy performance - by luxirom - 01-13-2008, 09:10 PM

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