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Funny things you encounted (or wish you encountered) in Penumbra
Felix Atagong Offline
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RE: Funny things you encounted (or wish you encountered) in Penumbra

Sorry to revive this old thread, but rather adding this to an old one than start a new, I think. I have been replaying BP for the last two days, but in easy mode as I just wanted to check some things out.

In Chemical Research I stumbled upon an infected and I froze, awaiting for his reaction. Guess what, he froze as well and failed to recognise me despite my flare.

I stood there and he stood there as well for about two minutes without moving. Finally I just decided to run back from where I came from. I suppose he continued with his round as well after that.

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.jpg   Ritula92.jpg (Size: 109.34 KB / Downloads: 253)

Some Penumbra 2006 TD Hints and a Dutch localisation file can be found at http://atagong.com/penumbra
08-11-2013, 11:31 PM
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RE: Funny things you encounted (or wish you encountered) in Penumbra - by Felix Atagong - 08-11-2013, 11:31 PM

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