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GiveItem(); vs. GiveItemFromFile();
ehovda321 Offline
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GiveItem(); vs. GiveItemFromFile();

OK, here is the situation:

GiveItemFromFile("battery_1", "item_battery.ent"); = This function gives me batteries in a STACK.

GiveItem("battery_0", "item_battery.ent", "battery", "inventory_battery.tga", 1); = This function gives me batteries ONE at a time in the inventory... ?

Is there any possible way to change the "GiveItem();" function, to make the batteries be given to player in a STACK ?

Here is the item_battery.ent :

Spoiler below!
<Performance CamClipPlanes="0.05 1000" LightsActive="true" PSActive="true" ShowFog="true" ShowSkybox="true" WorldReflection="true" />
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<Entities />
<Mesh Filename="entities/item/item_battery/item_battery.dae">
<SubMesh Active="true" ID="0" Material="" Name="item_battery1" Rotation="0 0 0" Scale="1 1 1" SubMeshID="0" Tag="" WorldPos="0 0.0550494 0" />
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<Bones />
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<Joints />
<Animations />
<UserDefinedVariables EntitySubType="LampOil" EntityType="Item">
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<Var Name="MaxFocusDistance" Value="0" />
<Var Name="MainPhysicsBody" Value="" />
<Var Name="ShowMesh" Value="true" />
<Var Name="DissolveOnDestruction" Value="false" />
<Var Name="DissolveTime" Value="1.0" />
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<Var Name="EffectsOnTime" Value="1" />
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<Var Name="EffectsOffLightRadius" Value="-1" />
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<Var Name="StaticMoveCheckCollision" Value="false" />
<Var Name="StaticMoveStartSound" Value="" />
<Var Name="StaticMoveStopSound" Value="" />
<Var Name="StaticMoveLoopSound" Value="" />
<Var Name="RandomizeAnimationStart" Value="true" />
<Var Name="SubItemTypeName" Value="Battery" />
<Var Name="ImageFile" Value="C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/item/item_battery/inventory_battery.tga" />
<Var Name="PickSound" Value="Key" />
<Var Name="OilAmount" Value="25" />

(This post was last modified: 03-16-2013, 01:11 AM by ehovda321.)
03-16-2013, 01:10 AM
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RE: GiveItem(); vs. GiveItemFromFile();

Try changing "item_battery.ent" to "LampOil" for GiveItem and see if that resolves anything.

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03-16-2013, 08:47 AM
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Akos115 Offline

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RE: GiveItem(); vs. GiveItemFromFile();

Or just use GiveItemFromFile multiple times if you want to give the player lots of batteries.

03-16-2013, 11:20 PM

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