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Occult Clockwork - The First Sin(24 hours full conversion)
KiraImmortal Offline

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Occult Clockwork - The First Sin(24 hours full conversion)

The second 24 hours project of the Occult Clockwork series.
A mod by Death Gods Only Eat Apples.

--Chapter 1

In the beginning, there was only dark. The dark was empty, but contained everything at the same time. Covered the whole world, like a caring mother. It gave birth to all the things this world was known of. Then, there was.. IT. Some would say it was the form of the dark itself. But there was something.. something entirely different, which was not seen in the past eons. LIGHT. A bed for change. That the eternal dark age would end at last.

In the first chapter of the series, in a steampunk-fictional universe, your character, Gustav Flitcher, leads an expedition into the depths of an ancient mayan temple, to uncover a secret no one living know of. The key to unite the broken realms of the world and prevent the second era of darkness.

Instructions can be found in the readme.

Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/7a13k7...apter1.rar
Moddb page:

[Image: Amnesia_2015-04-02_16-02-39-26.jpg]
[Image: Amnesia_2015-03-28_16-51-21-86.jpg]
[Image: Amnesia_2015-03-23_14-23-40-22.jpg]

-- Chapter 2, Remembrance


Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/irtk69...brance.rar
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2015, 09:23 AM by KiraImmortal.)
04-02-2015, 10:26 PM
A.M Team Offline

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RE: Occult Clockwork - The First Sin, Prologue

Holy Guacamoley! Those are some extremly detailed maps (especially the 2nd one).

I'm playing this! Big Grin
04-03-2015, 12:23 AM
Darkfire Offline
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RE: Occult Clockwork - The First Sin, Prologue (24 hours full conversion)

Hey, I'm having some difficulties with this mod. So I installed it like you said: didn't put these folders in /redist so they could merge, but put everything in redist/occult_clockwork_first_sin .
The game ran without problem, but when I started the first chapter (CS), it crashed. Now when I run the FC the chapter doesn't show up in the list of Custom Stories. I should install it like a regular FC ? Or is it just a bug ?

04-05-2015, 06:06 PM
KiraImmortal Offline

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RE: Occult Clockwork - The First Sin, Prologue (24 hours full conversion)

you should only copy the occult_clockwork_first_sin folder from the .rar archive to your /redist. run the .bat file inside, and you should have chapter1 listed. relaunch it sometimes if it does not show up. hope this helps Smile
04-05-2015, 07:38 PM
Darkfire Offline
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RE: Occult Clockwork - The First Sin, Prologue (24 hours full conversion)

Shit. I forgot that I don't have the 1.3 patch D;
Installed it, works fine. I have to say, the first area scares my pants off. I think it's because of the empty space around. Anyway, a good one !
Although I can't find the lever that opens the door after the first meeting with the ... ghost ?
Also, the insanity part is very cool, but quite uncomfortable. It's draining too fast, so I can't really search for the lever... But it makes things more scary, and that's the point ! Gonna write some more when (if xd) I progress tomorrow.

04-05-2015, 09:30 PM
KiraImmortal Offline

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RE: Occult Clockwork - The First Sin, Prologue (24 hours full conversion)

good luck. if you cannot make progress...


look up where the light rays are coming from, and you will definitely see some point of interest too Smile
04-06-2015, 12:40 AM
KiraImmortal Offline

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RE: Occult Clockwork - The First Sin, Prologue (24 hours full conversion)

http://www.moddb.com/mods/occult-clockwo...nd-chapter second chapter is here! Smile
04-09-2015, 09:22 AM
Mudbill Offline

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RE: Occult Clockwork - The First Sin(24 hours full conversion)

You can put spoilers inside a spoiler tag btw.
PHP Code: (Select All)
[spoiler]Text here[/spoiler
Spoiler below!
Text here

04-09-2015, 09:43 AM
KiraImmortal Offline

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RE: Occult Clockwork - The First Sin(24 hours full conversion)

oh okay, actually i'm not really familiar with these, thanks for the tip Smile
04-09-2015, 11:26 PM

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