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HELP with many things
Imevil23 Offline

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Question  HELP with many things

So I'm trying to make this map, but there's one thing I don't get, scripting. It's SOOO aggravating and stressful because I dont know how to do it! Undecided Then there's this issue with some extra_english.lang file. How do I set that up? I've looked EVERYWHERE but I couldn't find how to do it. Then can someone teach me how to set up the keys and notes and stuff. It's so very confusing. I mean, I have a headache from just thinking about it! I want to know how to make a monster appear from touching something or going into an area and how to make my map GOOD. If anyone has some advise, please give me some, or even a friggen tutorial.

01-28-2012, 06:36 AM
palistov Offline
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RE: HELP with many things


Items entry syntax
<CATEGORY Name="Inventory">
    <Entry Name="ItemName_ItemEntryName">Your Item</Entry>
    <Entry Name="ItemDesc_ItemEntryName">Your Item's Description</Entry>

Notes entry syntax
<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
    <Entry Name="Note_NoteEntryName_Name">Title of your Note</Entry>
    <Entry Name="Note_NoteEntryName_Text">Your note's text</Entry>

Diaries entry syntax
<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
    <Entry Name="Diary_DiaryInternalName_Name0">Diary title (1/2)</Entry>
    <Entry Name="Diary_DiaryInternalName_Text0">Diary's first entry</Entry>
    <Entry Name="Diary_DiaryInternalName_Name1">Diary title (2/2)</Entry>
    <Entry Name="Diary_DiaryInternalName_Text1">Diary's second entry</Entry>

Everything else:
<CATEGORY Name="CategoryInternalName">
    <Entry Name="EntryInternalName">Entry Text</Entry>

Wherever you see InternalName, you need to change that to a name of your choosing. The entry/category names are used in item properties and scripts to tell the game which text to display.

And if you REALLY just can't get it to work, use this tool. Don't worry it's not a virus, I've tested it myself. It comes for a respectable and brilliant programmer, Apjjm. Here's the link.

(This post was last modified: 01-28-2012, 08:51 AM by palistov.)
01-28-2012, 08:46 AM
Imevil23 Offline

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RE: HELP with many things

One question, how do I set up the extra_lang file? The tutorial isn't on the wiki and I need it to continue!

01-28-2012, 06:08 PM
Your Computer Offline

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RE: HELP with many things

(01-28-2012, 06:08 PM)Imevil23 Wrote: One question, how do I set up the extra_lang file? The tutorial isn't on the wiki and I need it to continue!


Tutorials: From Noob to Pro
01-28-2012, 06:16 PM
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