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Unable to authenticate disc

Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago Unable to authenticate disc
After loading BP,i played a little,then left the game,now
it keeps telling me,unable to authenticate disc.What is causing
this with vista.?
04-30-2008, 02:35 AM
Thomas Offline
Frictional Games

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Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Unable to authenticate disc
I am afraid we do not have any info on how the disc protection etc works, so I cannot give any direct tips.

Try contacting the publisher (which depends on the country u bought it in) or perhaps someone on the forum knows how to fix it.
04-30-2008, 07:02 AM

Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Unable to authenticate disc
Thomas Wrote:I am afraid we do not have any info on how the disc protection etc works, so I cannot give any direct tips.

Try contacting the publisher (which depends on the country u bought it in) or perhaps someone on the forum knows how to fix it.
Thomas, i have sent my analysis report to securom,waiting
for their answer,it appears the game does not recognize me as the
admin. of the game,and why is there a copywrite encryption,
does it think i'm trying to pirate it. i just want to play it,oh and
gamergate uses it as well.
05-02-2008, 12:34 AM

Solved: 9 Years, 1 Week ago RE: Unable to authenticate disc
voyager6 Wrote:
Thomas Wrote:I am afraid we do not have any info on how the disc protection etc works, so I cannot give any direct tips.

Try contacting the publisher (which depends on the country u bought it in) or perhaps someone on the forum knows how to fix it.
Thomas, i have sent my analysis report to securom,waiting
for their answer,it appears the game does not recognize me as the
admin. of the game,and why is there a copywrite encryption,
does it think i'm trying to pirate it. i just want to play it,oh and
gamergate uses it as well.
Time is 4:49 5/14/08 Problem solved:
right click desktop icon,go to properties,open securities tab to allow
permission to run,must be done for each play.
05-14-2008, 09:42 AM
Jump to the post that solved this thread.

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