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The Trapdoor - FULL RELEASE
Mudbill Offline

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RE: The Trapdoor - FULL RELEASE

(05-25-2014, 04:38 PM)MrBehemoth Wrote:
(05-25-2014, 03:04 PM)Mudbill Wrote: one of my best friends IRL

I guessed as much. That's why I mentioned it. Wink

Funnily enough, again, I played Last Night last night - it was fun.

Pfft, yeah that thing. For being my first work, I think it's okay. Nothing very special, but people seemed to enjoy the voice acting. It was a lot of fun to make though ^^

Aaaaanyway, I probably shouldn't get too off-topic here Tongue

(This post was last modified: 05-25-2014, 05:50 PM by Mudbill.)
05-25-2014, 05:49 PM
Paddy™ Offline
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RE: The Trapdoor - FULL RELEASE

Once I figured out the Boney situation, I really got into the flow of the game. I'm currently at the library puzzle section, just took a little break (after playing non-stop up to that point). I absolutely love the voice actor; I could happily listen to him read the phonebook. Who is he, by the way? Has he done anything else?

The writing is really strong, too. I often find that custom story dialogue & notes tend to be a little on the sophomoric side, but not here!

It really does "feel" like a different kind of game, and after nearly 4 years of variations on the same old theme it really is nice to find something new.

I look forward to your Button Moon custom story Cool

Actually, now that I think about it, wasn't Bertha a precursor to A Machine For Pigs?

05-26-2014, 05:46 AM
MrBehemoth Offline
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RE: The Trapdoor - FULL RELEASE

(05-26-2014, 05:46 AM)Paddy Wrote: I look forward to your Button Moon custom story Cool

Actually, now that I think about it, wasn't Bertha a precursor to A Machine For Pigs?

Ha! I actually lol'd! (Also, I remember a literary theory class where we discussed how Bertha was an example of the type of futurist mechanical fetishism common in early fascist states. I guess AMFP fits that too, but subverts it. So there you go. Sorry, I'm getting OT again.)

(05-26-2014, 05:46 AM)Paddy Wrote: Who is [the voice actor], by the way? Has he done anything else?

It's just me Smile If you really want to hear more rambling, there's always this.
And Bickadoodle is voice acted, umm, kinda. (OT again, soz.)

Thanks for the comments!

(This post was last modified: 05-26-2014, 08:04 AM by MrBehemoth.)
05-26-2014, 08:02 AM
MrBehemoth Offline
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RE: The Trapdoor - FULL RELEASE

Paddy, your Button Moon joke inspired me to make a spoof trailer. (If anyone wants to check it out they'll find it on my YouTube channel.)

05-27-2014, 03:21 AM
Paddy™ Offline
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RE: The Trapdoor - FULL RELEASE

(05-27-2014, 03:21 AM)MrBehemoth Wrote: Paddy, your Button Moon joke inspired me to make a spoof trailer. (If anyone wants to check it out they'll find it on my YouTube channel.)

It's absolutely glorious:


*cough* do Worzel Gummidge *cough*

Slightly off-topic:
Spoiler below!
I'm digging Bickadoodle Smile I love the art style; that kind of sketchpad/jotter page look works really well. I've always wanted to make an adventure game, but not being a programmer I find Wintermute and AGS to be pretty unforgiving, however Bickadoodle has inspired me to give it another shot!

05-29-2014, 08:23 AM
Robby Offline
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RE: The Trapdoor - FULL RELEASE

Seems like a really interesting mechanic that you've got there. Might give this a shot on my YouTube as well when I get back to Amnesia.

Infrequently active. Don't expect an immediate response. Best to contact me at a different locale. If I create a thread, expect me to be quite active.
05-30-2014, 06:23 AM
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MrBehemoth Offline
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RE: The Trapdoor - FULL RELEASE

Version 1.3, probably final update, is now available on ModDb and at aethericgames.com/the-trapdoor. Includes tweaks, minor fixes and 3 new gameplay modes.
  • Separation Anxiety (harder)
  • Fool If You Dare (hardest)
  • My Little Boney: Friendship is Madness

[Image: mylittleboney-300x288.png]

Here's the full read-me including the change-log:

Spoiler below!
The Trapdoor
by Aetheric Games

A short story mod for "Amnesia: The Dark Descent", by Frictional Games

Version 1.3 - see below for update info

© Aetheric Games 2014, http://www.aethericgames.com

You must own a copy of "Amnesia: The Dark Descent" ver. 1.2 (containing the "Justine" expansion) to play "The Trapdoor".


This is a mod, not a custom story.

1) Install your copy of "Amnesia: The Dark Descent". You can get it direct from Frictional Games or on Steam.

2) Make sure it is updated to version 1.2 (includes the "Justine" expansion).
a) If you downloaded it on Steam, it will already be automatically updated.
b) If you got it from Frictional or any other retailer, you can get the patch here: http://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/thread-24334.html

3) Find your main Amnesia folder. It's the location of "Amnesia.exe"
a) If you downloaded it on Steam, this will be something like: "C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Amnesia The Dark Descent"
b) If got it from Frictional or any other retailer, this will be something like: "C:\Program Files\Amnesia - The Dark Descent\redist"

4) Unpack The Trapdoor rar file. Copy the folder called "trapdoor" and the file called "TheTrapdoor.bat" into your main Amnesia folder (do not merge the folders, just copy of the whole thing).

4) Run the file "TheTrapdoor.bat" to play the game - or make a shortcut to "TheTrapdoor.bat" and put it somewhere convenient.

To uninstall: delete the "trapdoor" folder and "TheTrapdoor.bat". Simple.
To upgrade a previous version: Delete the "trapdoor" folder and then install from scratch. This is because versions 1.0 and 1.1 contain obsolete files.



The Trapdoor is a portrait of Jonathan Burke, a lonely servitor to an unseen and diabolical master. As isolation, incarceration, and debasement inevitably erode what’s left of his sanity, his repressed memories begin to surface and the insidious menace of the trapdoor grows in his mind. As well as toying with Amnesia cannon, the game is, if you hadn’t already guessed, a homage to the similarly titled claymation kids cartoon from the 1980′s.

- Homage to the 80's cartoon set in the Amnesia universe
- All new writing and voice-over
- Modified sanity system
- Multiple endings
- No lantern!

*** SPOILER ALERT *** SPOILER ALERT *** SPOILER ALERT *********************************************
* The best way to learn about how Burke's interactions and surroundings affect his sanity level is to play the game. I strongly advise you discover it for yourself.
* However, I have included the following description for reviewers or those who want to know in advance for some reason. If you don't mind SPOILERS, read on.
* - Burke must cling to the familiar to stay balanced.
* - His "companion skull" Boney is a link to the past that will help him stay sane and will restore some sanity whenever they are re-united after a while.
* - Finding notes about Burke's past will help too.
* - Certain objects and places, and any previously unvisited location, will cause a sanity drain.
* - As Burke learns more about his situation, the magnitude of this drain increases.
* - As Burke's sanity drains, his monologue will become more frantic.
* - The monsters that Burke encounters are borne of his fractured mind and will hunt him down while his insanity lasts.
* - The only respite is to restore Burke's sanity and maintain it as best you can.
*** SPOILER END ************************************************************************************


Update Info:

Version 1.3
- Added three new "Re-Play Modes":
- Separation Anxiety (harder)
- Fool If You Dare (hardest)
- My Little Boney: Friendship Is Madness (easy)
- Fixed issue with Burke sometimes respawning away from Boney.
- Fixed issue of sanity draining in new or designated "scary places" even when Boney is carried (suggested by SquishyTheTitan).
- Improved speech queue - important lines (e.g. diary pages) cannot be skipped.
- Boney has tweaked physics body and glows slightly in the dark.
- Minor updates including: tweaks making some hard to find objects more obvious; momentos from the start; couple of puzzles and scares adjusted slightly.

Version 1.2
- You are no longer allowed to go downstairs unless you have Boney with you in the first instance. This is to help people out who have not yet realised the importance of Boney at that point.
- At least one player reported that they respawned inside the flashback after death. Added checkpoints and autosaves immediately before and after the flashback to ensure this doesn't happen.
- Changed the end-of-game death-hints and added end credits.
- Tweaked the coffin-bridge puzzle to allow for more variation and possible solutions.
- Changed the default loading screen and added text to the map loading screens.
- Added a fix for players who *somehow* get trapped in the elevators.

Version 1.1
- Fixed bug that caused you to get stuck in the flashback cut-scene in certain circumstances.
If you have played version 1.0 and got stuck at that point, you will unfortunately either need to start your game again or use the saved game file in the folder called "1.1 fix save file". Copy it to your save game folder, e.g.: "C:\Users\<your windows user name>\Documents\Amnesia\Trapdoor\<your amnesia profile name>". If you have a save that is newer than the fix, you might have to delete them to continue from the fixed point. Sorry for any inconvenience.
The fixed save game will put you in the upstairs room with the fire, with Boney in front of you and the last page within reach, just before the cutscene.
- Fixed the batch file and installation instructions so that they now work on both the Steam and "redist" versions. Thanks to prenz and DnALANGE for suggesting the fix.
- Minor updates including: fine tuned the amount of insanity monologue (muttering) and split up voice-over into smaller files and shorter subtitles, based on feedback from DnALANGE; fixed a few broken subtitles and typos here and there.



- This game is called "The Trapdoor". The cartoon which inspired it is called "The Trap Door".

- The copyright to "The Trap Door" cartoon remains the property of CMTB Animation, Queensgate Productions Ltd or whoever now owns it. "The Trapdoor" is intended as a homage to the cartoon and as such was made without licence from the cartoon's copyright owners. It is not intended to appear as licensed or cannon. "The Trap Door" cartoon is a seminal piece of work that I love. If you enjoy it, please search online and buy a legitimate copy.

- The copyright to the HPL2 engine, "Amnesia: The Dark Descent" and all content from it which has been re-used in "The Trapdoor" remains the property of Frictional Games.

Licence agreement:

"The Trapdoor" is distributed freely and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence, subject to licensing for "Amnesia: The Dark Descent" by Frictional Games.

Read more about the Creative Commons licence: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

In simple terms, this means you can freely distribute the game as long as:
- you attribute it to Aetheric Games and provide a link to http://www.aethericgames.com
- you do not sell it or otherwise make any money from it
- you do not modify, remix or transform it in anyway
and most importantly:
- you and anyone who downloads it owns a copy of "Amnesia: The Dark Descent"

For more information and contact details, please visit http://www.aethericgames.com

06-15-2014, 02:04 PM
Ashtoreth Offline
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RE: The Trapdoor - FULL RELEASE

Hi Nick,

I noticed that the archive "TheTrapdoor_v1.3.rar" doesn't include the file "TheTrapdoor.bat". Wouldn't it be better to include the file, for those who are going to install the mod for the first time?
(I had v1.2 installed already, so it wasn't a problem for me.)

By the way, of all the Amnesia mods I've tried so far, this was the only one that kept me intrigued and interested from start to finish! The story is extremely well written and executed, the ambience is tense and ominous throughout the whole game, the multiple endings are satisfying, and you have a fantastic voice.

I'll make sure to try the 3 new gameplay modes.

Congratulations for the amazing work! I'm looking forward to Black Aether. Smile

(This post was last modified: 06-17-2014, 07:29 AM by Ashtoreth.)
06-17-2014, 07:26 AM
MrBehemoth Offline
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RE: The Trapdoor - FULL RELEASE

(06-17-2014, 07:26 AM)Ashtoreth Wrote: I noticed that the archive "TheTrapdoor_v1.3.rar" doesn't include the file "TheTrapdoor.bat".

That was a mistake. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll get it sorted tonight. [Done, v.1.3.1]

Thanks for the feedback too!

(This post was last modified: 06-17-2014, 12:42 PM by MrBehemoth.)
06-17-2014, 07:56 AM
Paddy™ Offline
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RE: The Trapdoor - FULL RELEASE

Looks like we're not the only ones loving your work!

Spoiler below!
[Image: t4e4.jpg]


06-17-2014, 07:06 PM

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