Loading data from cloud storage
Files on steam cloud:
- Update Config Files -
- Update Save Files -
Time: 17
Updated 0 config files and 0 save files
Version 1.01
-------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------
Creating Engine Modules
Creating job manager with 3 threads and 1024 jobs
Creating graphics module
Creating system module
Creating resource module
Creating input module
Creating sound module
Creating physics module
Creating ai module
Creating gui module
Creating generate module
Creating haptic module
Creating scene module
Creating script module
Creating lipsync module
Initializing Resources Module
Creating loader handlers
Creating resource managers
Adding loaders to handlers
Initializing Graphics Module
Init lowlevel graphics: 1920x1080 bpp:32 rr: 60 fs:0 ms:0 driver: 0 cap:'SOMA Loading...' pos

Available drivers:
(0) - 'cocoa'
(1) - 'dummy'
Creating window: (-1,-1) 1920 x 1080 - 32 bpp flags: 4099
Setting display mode: 1920 x 1080 - 32 bpp 60 hz
Init Glew...OK
Setting up OpenGL
Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M OpenGL Engine
Version: 3.2 NVIDIA-8.16.82 310.40.00.20f04
Max texture image units: 16
Max texture coord units: -461306832
Max texture buffer size: 134217728
Max texture array slices: 2048
Max user clip planes: 8
Two sided stencil: 1
Vertex Buffer Object: 1
Anisotropic filtering: 1
Max Anisotropic degree: 16
Multisampling: 1
Texture compression: 1
Texture compression S3TC: 1
Texture compression 3DC: 0
Texture sRGB: 1
Geometry Instancing: 1
Auto generate MipMaps: 1
Render to texture: 1
Max draw buffers: 8
Max color render targets: 8
Packed depth-stencil: 1
Texture float: 1
GLSL Version: 1.50
ShaderModel 2: 1
ShaderModel 3: 1
ShaderModel 4: 0
Max vertex uniforms: 2048
Max fragment uniforms: 2048
OGL ATIFragmentShader: 0
Tesselation: 0
MultiBindTex: 0
Initializing DevIL
Vendor String: Abysmal Software
Version String: Developer's Image Library (DevIL) 1.7.8
Version Number: 178
WARNING: Sampler aSpecularMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
WARNING: Sampler aSpecularMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
WARNING: Sampler aSpecularMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
WARNING: Sampler aSpecularMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
WARNING: Sampler aSpecularMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
WARNING: Sampler aSpecularMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
WARNING: Sampler aSpecularMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
Adding engine materials
Adding engine post effects
WARNING: Sampler colorMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
WARNING: Sampler offsetMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
Initializing Sound Module
Initializing FMOD.
Initializing Game Module
Adding engine updates
User Initialization
Game Running
Loading keybinds - file version:5
Loading keybinds - file version:5
Failed parsing of XML document /Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.voice: file not found
Failed parsing of XML document /Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.lang: file not found
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aDiffuseMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 0
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
ERROR: Skipping map specific voice file 'maps/main_menu.voice', not found!
ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
Delayed function: object:
-------------- LOADING GAME -----------------
Started loading save file CheckPoint.sav
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
Map script loading started
Map script loading completed
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
Loading keybinds - file version:5
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cDecalMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cDecalMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aSceneDepth doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 7
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
ERROR: Couldn't load texture 'graphics/imgui/station/Scanlines/scanlines_standard.dds'
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'entities/station/tech/communication_table_pplant/communication_table_pplant_GUI.mat'
WARNING: Uniform cDecalMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cDecalMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aNormalMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aDiffuseMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 0
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aDiffuseMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 0
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_7' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_8' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_10' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_11' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_12' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_14' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_15' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_16' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_17' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_18' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_19' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_20' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_21' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_28' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_38' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_40' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_41' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_42' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_43' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_44' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_72' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_73' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't find particle system file 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Couldn't create particle system 'ParticleSystem_4' of type 'D:/Work/studio/Frictional Games/Depth/redist/particles/smoke/fog_ambient_light_small.ps'
ERROR: Loading entity robot_arm_broken_on_belt_1: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm_broken_on_belt_frozen.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'CommRoomPipe_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_comm_room_pipe_breakable/pipe_comm_room_breakable.ent'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'CommRoomPipe_2_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_comm_room_pipe_breakable/pipe_comm_room_breakable.ent'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
ERROR: Loading entity robot_arm_idle: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/station/machines/robot_arm/robot_arm_idle.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Could not find char body pos bone bone 'Hip' for agent 'entities/character/robot/maintenance_carl/maintenance_carl.ent'
WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'whiteboard_freestanding_large_1_Body_1' in 'entities/station/special/01_02_station_map_status_board/01_02_station_map_status_board.ent'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
WARNING: Sub mesh 'pPlane1' does not exist in mesh 'server_rack02.msh'!
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_1: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_2: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_3: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_4: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_5: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_6: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_7: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_8: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_9: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_10: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_11: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_12: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_13: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_14: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_15: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_16: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_17: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_18: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_19: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_20: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_22: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_23: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_24: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_25: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_26: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_27: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_28: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_29: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_30: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_31: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_3_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_32: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
WARNING: Prop_Readable 'AmyID' with base material 'entities/character/station/brandon_corpse/brandon_corpse_id.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_35: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Loading entity tentacle_poseable_small_36: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_posable_small.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/robot/special/tentacle_poseable/tentacle_poseable_small.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
WARNING: Prop_Readable 'note_postit_fluid_leak_1' with base material 'entities/station/ornaments/note_postit/note_postit_flow_control.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Plastic Box Metallic.mat'
WARNING: Sub mesh 'medium_screen' does not exist in mesh 'computer_panel_medium.msh'!
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 4 to attach to entity 'ThermalHoleTerminal_6_Body_1' in 'entities/station/tech/computer_panels/computer_panel_medium_reboot_prompt.ent'
ERROR: Couldn't find animation file '/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/character/robot/maintenance_infected/' in any supported format!
WARNING: Prop_Readable 'CarlID' with base material 'entities/character/station/brandon_corpse/brandon_corpse_id.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Sampler aDiffuseMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 0
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
WARNING: Sampler aDiffuseMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 0
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aNormalMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cTranslucentMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
ERROR: Entity 'note_post_it_amy_1' used by InteractAux 'InteractAuxArea_4' does not exist!
ERROR: Connected sound 'server_spot_control_room_1' for soundscape area 'AMB_ControlRoom' does not exist!
ERROR: Connected sound 'volcanic_pit' for soundscape area 'AMB_GeneratorRoomBig' does not exist!
ERROR: Connected sound 'fusemach_idle' for soundscape area 'AMB_RodRoom_1' does not exist!
ERROR: Connected sound 'fusemach_idle' for soundscape area 'AMB_RodRoom_2' does not exist!
ERROR: Connected sound 'hubroom_spot_2' for soundscape area 'AMB_WaitingArea' does not exist!
WARNING: Sampler aNoiseMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 1
WARNING: Sampler aSkyboxMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model '/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
ERROR: Loading entity Recreated Entity: Skeletons in mesh file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (/Users/huth/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
WARNING: Prop_Readable 'Recreated Entity' with base material 'entities/station/ornaments/note_postit/note_postit_flow_control.mat' doesn't force full scale textures
-------------- LOADING GAME COMPLETE -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Sampler aDiffuseMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 0
WARNING: Sampler aDiffuseMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 0
WARNING: Sampler aNormalMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
ERROR: Light 'reactor_flow_room_gobo_1' that is connected to prop 'reactor_flow_room_lamp_2' does not exist!
ERROR: Body 'tin_can_plain_3_Body_1' at (nan nan nan) is outside of the world bounds and has been disabled
ERROR: Physics body 'StairsLever_Body_2' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.0434484 m
ERROR: Physics body 'StairsLever_2_Body_2' was created inside static geometry and moved 0.0434644 m
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aNormalMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 1
WARNING: Sampler aDiffuseMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 0
WARNING: Sampler aNoiseMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 1
WARNING: Sampler aSkyboxMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 2
WARNING: Sampler aDiffuseMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 0
WARNING: Sampler aNormalMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 1
WARNING: Sampler aNormalMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 1
WARNING: Sampler aDiffuseMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 0
ERROR: Could not create event data 'entities_urban/ornament/magazine/pickup_close'. Cause: The requested event, event group, event category or event property could not be found.
ERROR: Could not found sound event data Entities_Urban/ornament/magazine/pickup_close
ERROR: Could not find sound entity CarlTortureLoop in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Could not find sound entity CarlTortureStart in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Could not find sound entity CommRoomDoorAlarm in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Could not find any entities with name 'junk_chip_basket_*' for Prop_SetStaticPhysics
ERROR: Could not find sound entity BadConnectionCommRoom in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find sound entity CommRoomStatic_NoSignal in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Could not find sound entity CommRoomStatic_Contact in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Could not find sound entity BadConnectionCommRoom in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find sound entity CommRoomStatic_NoSignal in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Could not find sound entity CommRoomStatic_Contact in Sound_Stop
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
ERROR: Could not find sound entity BadConnectionCommRoom in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find sound entity CommRoomStatic_NoSignal in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Could not find sound entity CommRoomStatic_Contact in Sound_Stop
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
WARNING: Uniform cSolidMaterialArguments doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to index 1
ERROR: Could not find sound entity BadConnectionCommRoom in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
WARNING: Sampler aHeightMap doesn't exist or is unused, could not bind it to unit 3
ERROR: Could not find sound entity CommRoomStatic_NoSignal in Sound_Fade
ERROR: Could not find sound entity CommRoomStatic_Contact in Sound_Fade
ERROR: Could not find sound entity CommRoomStatic_NoSignal in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Could not find sound entity CommRoomStatic_Contact in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Could not find sound entity BadConnectionCommRoom in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Couldn't load texture ''
ERROR: Couldn't load texture ''
ERROR: Couldn't load texture ''
ERROR: Could not find sound entity BadConnectionCommRoom in Sound_Stop
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Couldn't load texture ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find language file entry ''
ERROR: Could not find