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My SOMA Holidays

Not Solved Big Grin  My SOMA Holidays
This is a complimentary post. I purchased SOMA on it's release and continue to replay it all the way through about every 4 months or so. There's no other game like it yet and, to our great loss as a species, will likely not be repeated for years. It's truly a work of art of the genre and I hope to see more in the spirit of SOMA before I get too old to use a mouse and keyboard, or whatever controller we will use then. Maybe in 20 years I can replay SOMA from something like a pilot seat. Now that would be immersion. Thank you for the experience.
02-15-2018, 03:38 AM
kirakatve Offline
Frictional Games

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Not Solved RE: My SOMA Holidays
Hi! Thanks so much for the message, I forwarded it to the rest of the team! It's incredibly cool that you replay it so often, hopefully you keep finding new things or that the game gives you new thoughts every time.

We are working on two new projects, hopefully you will find the same kind of joy in one or both of them.

Thanks again and have a great day!
/Kat, Community Manager

Your friendly neighbour the community manager.
02-15-2018, 11:22 AM
Jump to the post that solved this thread.

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