The core of the game is simple: You are trapped in a cave and need to escape. To do so one must go through gloomy caves avoiding darkness at all cost. Helping the player accomplish this are crystals that spread light and a mysterious beacon that moves around, illuminating the surroundings where it goes. The game starts out slow and then progressively get more challenging.
Horror Tip: Korsakovia
Masterminded by the same guy that made Dear Esther is a highly experimental horror game about a man with Korsakov’s syndrome.
Horror Tip: [REC]
This is a spanish little gem in the “first person documentary horror” genre, same as the first Blair Witch movie (which I have not seen by the way).
Horror Tip: Elevated
This is a pretty unknown short film from the guy that made Cube (one of my favorite horror movies) and it has a lot in common with that movie. Both films are based on a fear of the unknown, have tense psychological drama and feature a very limited set.
Horror Tip: Dear Esther
This horror tip is quite fitting with last post’s discussion on what makes a game. Dear Esther is pretty much a first person game without any gameplay and only based an a fragmented narrative.
Horror Tip: The Awakening
Time for another work of interactive fiction and this time there are some puzzles to be solved as well. The game is pretty simple though and also comes with a nice help system making it a good beginner game.
Horror Tip: All Alone
Going to start of a new, hopefully, weekly feature on the blog called “Horror Tip”. This will be tips of lesser known games, books, movies, etc with some kind of relation to horror. Hopefully it will give you all some entertainment tips! First out will be a small game called “All Alone”.