The tools of the trade

Hi everyone! As my first post in the blog, I feel like I needed to do a little introduction. I’m Luis, I’m not that known compared to the 2 visible heads around here 😛 but I’m the other programmer here at Frictional, maybe some of you might know me from the forum, but I kinda vanished from there a while ago… But I’m here again, and this time I promise to be a little more constant than before, which shouldn’t be that hard 🙂

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The “fun” in horror games?

When discussing gameplay in games, the main focus is mostly on making it “fun”. The meaning of “fun” is usually that it is an enjoyable experience for the player and that boredom and frustration are reduced as much as possible. Normally this is the main priority when working on some part of the game and if it is not “fun” enough, that part will be remade or scrapped. In many horror games things are different though and focus is instead put on invoking emotions other than just “fun”.

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Unknown – Status update

After over a year of technology development and prototyping we are finally at the tipping point as ideas comes to life on the screen in front of us. With our very first early version of “Unknown” ready, we are more confident than ever that we are on the right track as to what will become a great horror game. With the previous award winning Penumbra series to live up to we have been working hard on coming up with a concept that improves the already winning formula – horror without violence. With “Unknown” we have started from the very beginning – creating a new game engine, development tools, re-thinking and improving the physics interaction, evaluated every little part of Penumbra as to figure out the best way to create the experience.

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