Originally posted by Jens.
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More and more reviews of Penumbra: Overture are coming in, the average verdict currently at 75/100 based on the 22 reviews we have on file. We are very happy with that score, in particular as the reviews in general has been very positive to many aspects of the game.
“Penumbra is the most interesting thing to happen to adventure games since Fahrenheit.”
-PC Gamer, Issue 174, May 2007.
“For such a small development team (4 man) this game is a great one. It boasts an innovative physics/puzzle/mouse interaction system and is the first of a trilogy of titles. It does have some glitches but this does not stop it from being a great game.”
“Interaction is where Penumbra really succeeds, with your on-screen pointer/hand able to touch and move objects realistically.”
There is a German review to be consumed over at Mega-Gaming.de.
Another German review to devour can be found at Gamecaptain.de.
For the Czech crowed there is a review published on Hrej!.cz.