Puzzles in horror games Part 2: Common problems with adventure game puzzles

Before continuing to dig deeper into the world of puzzles, I would like to clarify a thing from the last puzzle post: When I said that I thought puzzles were the best way to have as core gameplay in a horror game, I did not mean that it excluded all other kinds of gameplay. I rather meant that the basic design was based on puzzles and that other mechanisms are there as extras.

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Horror Tip: All Alone

Going to start of a new, hopefully, weekly feature on the blog called “Horror Tip”. This will be tips of lesser known games, books, movies, etc with some kind of relation to horror. Hopefully it will give you all some entertainment tips! First out will be a small game called “All Alone”.

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The problem with obstacles

Even though freedom is something of a buzz words these days in games, most games needs to restrict the player somehow. This is especially true for various types of adventure games where the player must be guided along a story path. In this blog post I will call these restrictions “obstacles” and will briefly discuss the various design problems connected with these.

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