After a lot of work we are finally done with the teaser! Hope you all enjoy it! In case you have not seen the teaser yet then do so before continuing with this post:
Alpha – the beginning of the end!
Yesterday, after several weeks of grueling 15 hour (kid you not) days, we finally reached a really important milestone here at Frictional Games. It’s by far the most important milestone we have reached so far and might be the most important milestone of the entire project!
The art of Timelapse
To speed up the development of our next horror game Amnesia: The Dark Descent we have started to timelapse ourselves. This way it only takes 5 minutes to do the same amount of work as you would normally need 30 minutes to accomplish!
Level Editor Video – The Inside Scoop
Continuing the topic of my last post, here comes a post about the creation of our latest video…
Amnesia: The Dark Descent – Getting Cosy
A short ingame video from our upcoming horror game, make sure you have someone to hold your hand while watching!
The struggle between Light and Dark
When making a horror game an important ingredient is the darkness. When in a dark place people tend to be more easily spooked and have a more vivid imagination, a genetic heritage passed on from our ancestors who were hunted by predators at night. Taking advantage of this is important and just changing the light level of an environment can make a huge difference in the scare factor.
Amnesia entered into the IGF competition
During the weekend we finished a demo build of our upcoming game Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
“Amnesia? What’s that?”
Oh, Sorry, “Amnesia: The Dark Descent” is the final name for our project that has previously had the work title Lux Tenebras/Unknown.
The Thank You Post
This year began pretty well for us, things were looking good and the future of 2009, 2010 was planned. Then due to the normal unfortunate events in this unstable business we found ourselves in quite a pickle.
Unknown – Status update
After over a year of technology development and prototyping we are finally at the tipping point as ideas comes to life on the screen in front of us. With our very first early version of “Unknown” ready, we are more confident than ever that we are on the right track as to what will become a great horror game. With the previous award winning Penumbra series to live up to we have been working hard on coming up with a concept that improves the already winning formula – horror without violence. With “Unknown” we have started from the very beginning – creating a new game engine, development tools, re-thinking and improving the physics interaction, evaluated every little part of Penumbra as to figure out the best way to create the experience.
Unknown in-game teaser & screens
Today we are releasing a first teaser of our upcoming survival horror game, “Unknown”. The video gives a quick demonstration of the mood and style we are aiming for, as well as demonstrating the maturity of the in-house developed HPL2 game engine.