In this blog post I am going to give a very brief overview of our “business model”. Hopefully it will be interesting to see how we run the company and how we manage to pay salaries and such.
The Thank You Post
This year began pretty well for us, things were looking good and the future of 2009, 2010 was planned. Then due to the normal unfortunate events in this unstable business we found ourselves in quite a pickle.
Maps with s-tile
This post was meant to talk a bit about the Level Editor, but first I need to tell you about something you might not know… and it’s called tilemapping.
Re-release of the Penumbra Series for Mac & Linux – USD 5 launch offer!
With a brand new installer the three Penumbra games will be available as a single download starting this Friday the 17th. The new release will improve the user experience compared to the original “three downloads with three serials”-installation procedure.
A History of violence. Part 3
In this blog post I will focus an underused combat mechanic: Chase Sequences. This type of “combat” is very common in horror movies, but quite rare in horror games. I will briefly discuss how we used it in Penumbra, problems it causes and how some other games have implemented it.
A History of violence. Part 1
Ever since I started working on horror games (first was a simple 2d game called Fiend) I have been thinking about what kind of combat one wants in a horror game.
Unknown – Status update
After over a year of technology development and prototyping we are finally at the tipping point as ideas comes to life on the screen in front of us. With our very first early version of “Unknown” ready, we are more confident than ever that we are on the right track as to what will become a great horror game. With the previous award winning Penumbra series to live up to we have been working hard on coming up with a concept that improves the already winning formula – horror without violence. With “Unknown” we have started from the very beginning – creating a new game engine, development tools, re-thinking and improving the physics interaction, evaluated every little part of Penumbra as to figure out the best way to create the experience.
Character Postmortem: Amabel Swanson
Tom (writer for Penumbra) has written a little post mortem on Dr Swanson.
Unknown in-game teaser & screens
Today we are releasing a first teaser of our upcoming survival horror game, “Unknown”. The video gives a quick demonstration of the mood and style we are aiming for, as well as demonstrating the maturity of the in-house developed HPL2 game engine.
Penumbra: Black Plague Awarded & Steam
Friday the 13th have by tradition been a day of horror and at Frictional we are always keen to keep traditions alive. What better day to announce that at this years “Dataspelsgalan”, the Swedish Games Industry yearly award show, Penumbra: Black Plague was awarded “Best Swedish Independent Game”!